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"Tell me what happened!" Mabel said excitedly. "Did you kiss?"

I was in the Mystery Shack, sitting on Mabel's bed with her. Dipper was on his bed, reading through a journal with the number 2 on the cover. His ears seemed to perk up at the mention of a kiss though, but I didn't pay attention to it.

"Yes but-"

Mabel squealed, making me flinch at her loud volume. She seemed way more excited for something that happened to me than I did. She was bouncing up and down, unable to control the excitement.

"-but-" I continue "-something seemed off about him. After he brought me back to my house there was something different"

Dipper looks up from his book. "Different how?"

"After he kissed me, he said thanks, but I don't know what he was thanking me for"

"Maybe he was thanking you for agreeing to the date" Mabel suggests. "Or the kiss"

I shake my head. "No. When I was attacked-"

"What kind of date did you go on?" Mabel asks, her nose scrunching up in confusion.

"On the way back someone jumped out of the trees and tried to steal from us. Anyway, all that seemed a little too much like a coincidence. I got knocked out and Carter brought me to my house and stayed with me until I woke up"

"Were you missing anything?" Dipper asks.

"I hadn't checked" I look up at him and gasp, remembering that I hadn't locked the doors. "No!"

"No what?" Mabel shouted after me as I ran out of the building.

My legs took me as fast as they could to my house. Dipper and Mabel were following but they couldn't catch up to me. I burst through the front door, hurrying to open the basement hatch and climb into the basement.

"What did he take?" I mutter to myself, looking around at each of the books.

There was an empty slot on one of the shelves, in the section of creatures. It was amongst the books that started with the letter B. I hurried into the other room, wanting to check if it had been touched or not. The lantern remained in the middle of the room but there was a faint smell of smoke, meaning someone had lit the candle recently.

"Did you find anything?" Dipper asks from behind me.

I turn and bunch my hands up in his vest. "He saw the walls, and he took a book"

"Do you know which book?" Mabel asks.

I let go of Dipper's vest, running a hand through my hair. "I never even knew about this place until a week ago, I have no idea what books were down here. All I know is that it started with the letter B and it was about some creature"

Dipper and Mabel share a look, probably thinking of the same thing, but I turned back to the room with the bare walls. I lit the lantern and gasped at what it revealed.

"T-there's nothing, it's all gone!" I cry, bunching my hands up in my hair. "Why would someone do this?"

I kicked over the lantern and walked out of the room, going past the twins and up the ladder. I sat on the couch and buried my face in my hands, unable to think straight with all of my mom's work now gone without a trace. Two bodies sat on either side of me.

"We'll find a way to get it back" Mabel said, one of her hands going on my shoulder.

"But it's gone"

"We can still get it back, there has to be some way" Dipper said.

I sit up, looking from one twin to the other. "It's getting late, if you want to head back you should go now"

"No, we're gonna stay" Mabel said. "If that's okay with you"

"Yeah, you know where your rooms are"

They both went upstairs to their rooms but I remained on the couch. Someone came back down the stairs, it was Dipper, he was no longer wearing his hat or vest. He sat beside me, looking like he was trying to figure out a way to tell me it would be fine.

"You don't need to say anything. I don't need reassurance. What's done is done. The writing is gone and so are my mom's last words to me"

"I'm sorry" he said, moving his hand to place it on top of mine, but his hand never met mine because just like what happened to me the other day, the world went black.

When my eyes opened I was back in the black and white world, Dipper and Mabel standing beside me. Carter was standing across from us, a smirk on his face.

"I knew it was you Bill" Dipper says, glaring at Carter.

"That isn't me Pine Tree" Bill said, appearing above Carter. "It was an illusion made by me though"

"Emerald, come to me" Carter said, a hand reaching out to me, as if I weren't as far away from him as I actually was. "We can still be together"

Dipper grabbed hold of my hand. His hands were soft, but still a little rough, probably from all the adventures he's been on. But it was warm, and that showed me that the boy next to me was real, and that the boy across from me was a fake. Carter's hands were always cold, I thought nothing of it until now.

"I'm surprised you didn't figure it out sooner Gem, I thought you were the smart one!" The floating triangle said.

"That book that was missing, it was on Bill Cipher, wasn't it?" I ask.

"Oh, you were quick to pick that one up, weren't you? When your heart isn't getting in the way of your thoughts, that's when you're most intelligent"

"Why did you bring us here?" Mabel asks.

"I just wanted to show you who you lost to, and to give you a final chance to make a deal"

I step forward, dropping Dipper's hand. "Dream on Bill"

Through the Camera Lens (Dipper x OC)Where stories live. Discover now