Perfect Stranger

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"I'm sorry, but... your sister..."

"Don't worry, I thought the both of you were dead. At least one of you made it out alive"

"Come in" Stanford says, motioning towards the door him and his twin came from.

I follow the Stans through the living room. They lead me to a kitchen and we all sit around the table. The boy stands in the doorway, arms crossed, looking thoughtful as he stared at me.

"How did it happen?" I ask Stanford but he stays silent. "Stanford, tell me, I'm not going to burst into tears or anything"

"Well, I'm not sure if she's dead or not" my eyes widen. "But she's stuck in that alternate dimension we were sent to. I got back around 3 or 4 years ago, she would've been there by herself all that time"

"That's around the time my parents went missing"

"Your parents are missing?"

"Grunkle Stan, can I borrow some money?" A female voice shouts, light and fast paced  footsteps getting closer.

She walks into the room and looks at me. "It's you! The one with the cloak!" She says with a smile on her face.

"How can you tell?" The boy asks her, his eyes finally moving away from me.

"You didn't see her face? I got a glimpse of it when she turned and left. You are really pretty by the way, can I do your makeup sometime?" The girl asks, standing beside my seat.

I look up at her. "I don't even know your name"

"Oh! I'm Mabel, that's my twin bro Dipper!"

I look back at the two Stans. "The two that stopped Bill? Shooting Star and Pine Tree?" They nod in unison. "I never thought they were a bunch of kids, I thought it would've been two adults, maybe you two"

"Nope, that's them. Anyway, why did you decide to come now?" Stanford asks.

I take out the journal from my bag and slide it across the table. "I thought this'd be in better hands with you. Originally I was going to keep it but seeing as how you're alive and... here, you could probably use it"

"This is... incredible" Stanford says, briefly skimming through the journal.

I shrug. "My mom was very fond of her work. She didn't do tests on any of these creatures but she got to know them and earned their trust" I stand up and grab my bag. "Anyway, I should get going, it's getting pretty dark outside. I'll be back tomorrow with a couple more books, I think you should see them Stanford"

"You can call me Ford, that's Stan" he said, motioning to himself then Stanley.

"Ok Ford. Bye guys, see you later"

I run out of the room, jumping down the steps of the porch, and down the path to my house. The sun was setting, not giving me much time to get back in daylight. I knew these trails, having grown up walking them, but they seemed to change during the night. It could've just been a trick of the mind. I didn't take the chance of going out and getting lost though.

Once was enough.

I slowed down when I was halfway there. I had enough time to get back that I didn't need to run any longer. I stopped for a second when I saw the perfect opportunity for a beautiful shot. The sun was setting, creating multiple ripples of different colours across the sky. My camera captured the scene in front of me, storing it in a still world forever. A happy sigh came from my mouth when the camera was lowered from my face.

"Do you like taking pictures?" A melodic voice asks from behind me.

I spin around and my hair nearly whipped me in the face. A blonde boy with very light brown eyes, almost the colour yellow, stood a couple inches taller than me. He had a friendly smile on his lips, his eyes showed that he didn't have any violent tendency.

"Yeah" I answer shortly. I felt at a loss of breath staring at the handsome stranger.

The smile seemed to grow, showing some perfectly straight and white teeth. "I'm Carter"


"That's a pretty name. Did you get it because of your mesmerizing green eyes?"

My hands came together behind my back, hiding my hands as I fidgeted with the camera. I didn't want to show I was nervous, that's something you never do. You lose all advantages.

"It's more of a nickname, but yeah"

"What are you doing out in the woods alone?"

"Don't trust anyone" my sister's voice rang in my head. "Especially not the creeps who appear out of nowhere"

"I was just going for a walk, taking some pictures"

"This late? The sun's going down, it'll be dark soon. You don't want to get stuck out here in the dark, it's dangerous"

"I'm not that far from home so I should be back by the time the sun is down"

"Why don't I walk you?" He suggests. "You won't go missing that way then"

Going with him would almost definitely assure my disappearance. First of all, stranger danger. Don't just walk off with someone you just met, that screams all different kinds of wrongs. Second of all, don't trust anybody. Even if he seems nice, just don't.

"Thanks for the offer but I know the way" I stopped fidgeting with the camera and put it back in my bag, my phone falling out in the process. "Whoops"

He picks up my phone for me before I could, being a gentleman. "I'll see you around?"

"I'd like that" I say, taking the phone and walking away.

Through the Camera Lens (Dipper x OC)Where stories live. Discover now