Chapter 10: Another Chance

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[Y/N's POV]

Day 1 of being grounded.

"I'm going." Shikamaru shouted at the door.

"Oh. You're going on a mission?" Shikaku-san asked, coming out from his room while yawning.

"Yeah. Bye." He answered.

"Take care, Shikamaru." Yoshino-san said.

"W-wait...!" I called out to him before he disappears. I ran all the way from the dining room until in front of the door, in front of him. "U-uumm..." I looked down. "P-please be careful..."

He sighed. He raised his arm to pat on my [Y/H/L] hair. "I'm leaving the house to you."

He warmly smiled. I raised my head and blushed.

He still trust me even if I had hurt him...?

"Then, off I go. Bye." He shut off the door, leaving us.

Middle of the day. I was in my room, doing nothing at all. The house is quiet. All you could hear is Yoshino-san working on the household chores. Shikaku-san was summoned by the hokage and he has some work to do so he left right after Shikamaru-kun left.

I got up from my bed. Sick of doing nothing, I went down to where Yoshino-san was. "Can I help you with what you're doing...?" I asked as I pointed out at the laundry she's been doing.

"Yeah, sure. Why not?" She scooted away to give me some access in doing laundry. "Do you know how to do it?"

I shrugged. I honestly never done household chores. She chuckled. "Let me teach you."

She shown how it was done and I gave it a try. "You're doing good. Keep it up." She complimented. "I'll be leaving you this pile of clothes. I'll be cooking some lunch for us. If you need anything, just call me." She smiled.

As soon as she left, I started doing laundry just like what she taught me. Looking at all the clothes, I can determine which clothes belonged to Shikamaru-kun. Some of their clothes were covered with blood from their previous missions, some were just really filthy.

It took me a few hours to finish the laundry and let it dry outside. The next chore I did was to clean the whole living room and Shikamaru-kun's room. The living room was kind of tidied up already. It just need a few sweeps to finish it up.

By the time I was cleaning up in Shikamaru-kun's room, it was already night time. His room wasn't really that messy despite being a lazy human. His room was just right next to mine so his window view was just the same as mine. I looked up at the starry sky and saw a glimpse of bird-like creature in the sky.

Bird-like creature?! Deidara-kun?!

I quickly opened the window to look. Indeed, it was Deidara-kun's bird clay. And, he was riding on it.

With a height that high, he shouldn't have seen what I did. But, apparently, he did. His bird flew down right in front of me. "Yo, Y/N." He greeted.

Panic went up through my whole body. If he were seen by anyone, this would cause trouble. "Make your clay bird small, Deidara-kun!" I whispered shout.

"Hn?" He questioned and jumped right in front of the small terrace outside Shikamaru-kun's window.

(Idk what the nara house looks like. All I know is their Shogi room 😂)

"Idiot! That bird clay will attract konoha ninjas and this might cause trouble!" I panicked.

"Chill. If they interrupt, I'll blow them up, un." He said.

"I-Interrupt what?! And, that won't solve anything! Come on, please?" I begged.

He clicked his tongue and said, "Fine." With a hand sign, he made his bird clay into a palm size bird.

Then, he went in through the window. "W-wait! What are you doing?"

"Going in, un." He answered, like it was a matter of fact.

"I know that. What I mean is, what are you doing here? Didn't you told me I have a week to decide?"

"I am actually two days late to get you, un. A week has passed already, Y/N." He said as he sat down on Shikamaru-kun's bed.

"E-eh? But I haven't decided yet. A-and, I'm gounded. I just can't leave." I said.

"For how long?"

"A week."

"I can't wait that long. I-I mean, Leader-sama can't wait that long. He already warned me that's why I came, un."

I? "But..." I looked down. "C-can you give me at least two more days? You can come back every night, if you want."

"What benefit would I get if I come here every night?" He asked, amuse laced in his voice.

" can tell me all about your art." His blue eyes sparkled and nodded eagerly.

Guess, no one really likes him talking about his art but I'm quite fascinated by it so what's the harm, right?

"Y/N, are you finished cleaning?" Yoshino-san's voice was heard from the other side.

"Ack! Hide, Deidara-kun!" I whispered shout. I gathered few of the scattered clothes into a pile to make it look like it was ready to put into the laundry.

Deidara-kun went out and hid behind the window. And, I pretended to sweep.

The door opened and revealed the mother of Shikamaru-kun. "You're not done?"

"I'm almost finish." I awkwardly chuckled. "I'll just sweep this dirt out and put the clothes into the laundry, and I'm done."

"Alright. Dinner's ready so go down once you're done." She smiled.

She closed the door and I quickly put the dirt into the dustpan and threw it in the trashbin. I grabbed the pile of clothes and went down to put it in the laundry.

[3rd POV]

A few minutes has passed since the blond hid. "What's taking her long, un?" He peeked out from the window and there was no Y/N in the room. "Where'd she go?" He questioned himself.

Realising that Y/N forgot about Deidara, he snarled. "That woman...!" Then, he stopped. He sighed.

Why was he getting so caught up with her? Why did he even volunteered to get her in the first place?

Something was bothering him. He took out the small clay bird he used a while ago and made a hand sign. "Katsu!" He shouted.

The small clay bird turned big and climbed up to ride it. "I'll be back tomorrow night, Y/N." He smiled, genuinely.

————Chapter 10 is heeeereeee!

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Chapter 10 is heeeereeee!

Hope you enjoyed it!

Reirin xx

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