Chapter 9: Destroy Her

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A/N: y/h/c = your hair color

But you probably know that already. Lol.


I started standing on all fours. Nails starting to get longer and bigger. Hair started to grow every where and it turned from [Y/H/C] to white. I started to have a tail. Teeth and fangs are becoming bigger. I started to get larger and larger.

I was transforming. I couldn't control everything. I just moved by emotions and what my mind says.

Destroy her, the Suna girl. And, everything.

Just as I was transforming and gave a massive roar, fireworks started to boom at the sky. I messed up everyone's night.

I went havoc around the food stands and game stands as people started to run. Only the ninjas who were present at that time didn't run. They assisted the people.

Once I spotted the familiar girl, my beastly self recognised her. Shikamaru-kun beside her. She grabbed her massive fan and was ready to swing it at myself. Shikamaru-kun tried to stop her but she didn't listen.

She swung her fan and it only caused minor scratches on my enormous detestable self. Yet, I growled and the whole Konoha shook. Alarmed by her attack, my arm —or should I say, front leg— raised by itself.

In a speed of light, I scratched her shoulders and blood splatters and flowed non-stop. "Temari!" Shikamaru-kun shouted as the sand girl flew from the blow I gave. He quickly went by her side and glared at me.

For some reason, my beastly self cowered in fear. I tried to raise my right front foot and I successfully did. I can control myself!

I tried to walk closer. I wanted to apologise. Just as I took my first step, ropes used for sealing started to wrap my neck and body. No! They're going to seal me! No! I don't want to get sealed!

A tear fell on my horrifying red eyes.


A warning was put on me when Lady Tsunade agreed to let me stay in the village under the surveillance of the Nara Clan. "If you were to turn inside the village, I would immediately send a sealing team to seal you. This will be the only warning I'll be giving you because you won't be coming back when we seal you."

"Yes, fifth!" I answered.

"But if Shikamaru COULD stop you before the whole village gets destroyed, I'll let you be." She looked at Shikamaru-kun, who gulped a bit.

Now, he stood in front of me. "Wait!" He commanded at the leader of the sealing team. "Let me take care of this." He stared at my red ones with full of seriousness. Like, he knew exactly what he has to do.

My gaze went up to Temari. She was being healed by a medical nin. "Hey, Y/N!" He shouted at me. That was when I realised I was under his ninjutsu. I wanted to back away from him but he didn't allow me to. "I don't really know how I would make you turn back to human but I know you could hear me. If you could—"

I didn't know what happened but my mind suddenly went black and my vision started to get blurry. "—Y/N?"

My body collapsed.

[3rd POV]

Y/N's body started shrinking. She was turning back. The ropes around her body went loose and soon, she was back. One problem: she was unconscious and she was naked.

Everyone reacted with a blush on their faces as they saw what was in front of them. Ino was quick to react. "What the hell, guys?!" She quickly hugged Y/N's body, in attempt to cover her up. "Shikamaru! Isn't she your responsibility!? Do something!" She yelled at the pineapple genius.

Shikamaru instantly removed his vest-jacket and took off his black shirt, leaving him with his fish net shirt. Ino covered up the unconscious wolf girl at once.

"We can't leave her be. She destroyed and killed few innocent villagers. Shikamaru Nara, come with me." Ibiki Morino, the head of Konoha Torture and Interrogation Force, said.

"Yes!" Shikamaru answered as he put on his vest-jacket and carried Y/N bridal style.


After Shikamaru talk to Ibiki, he was able to convinced him that he would take care of Y/N. He waited out in one of the prison which was where Y/N was laying on the floor with nothing but Shikamaru's big shirt on her.

Her consciousness finally came back. "Finally awake? Took you long enough."

Y/N scanned her surroundings. "Where am I? Shikamaru-kun?" She asked as she stood up carefully.

"You're in Konoha Strict Correctional Facility. Even though this is the first time you've transformed in Konoha, you were put inside here. I'll explain later when we get out here." He handed her clothes to change.

She took it quietly and went further inside the prison bars. It was made extremely only for her recently. The bars were made of silver with spikes on it. "Aren't you mad at me...?"

He didn't utter a word. Once she was done changing, Shikamaru opened out the door of her prison.


They were walking back to their house. None of them were speaking. It was merely a sound of their footsteps that could be heard. Y/N was staring down at her feet as she follows the genius.

When she couldn't take the silence anymore, she spoke. "I'm sorry..."

"Why are you apologising?" Shikamaru finally spoke.

Y/N stopped her tracks and said, "because I hurt her and some innocent people...and I'm sorry for being such a troublesome woman..." Tears were threatening to escape in her eyes.

He sighed. "You are indeed a troublesome woman but no one blames you." The wolf girl raised her head and looked at him. "I had to lie to Ibiki-sensei just to free you but you'll still have to be punished."

She nodded, knowing she wouldn't be able to escape such thing. "So, you're grounded for a week. No going out of the house and of course, no transformation. I don't know what triggers it but still. If you escape, you're going back to the prison."


So, here's chapter 9!

Hope you liked it!

I updated despite having tons of works to do because I love you guys 😂

Reirin xx

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