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"Are you in danger?" he yells.

"If I wasn't in danger, would I be yelling for help?"

"What do I do!"

"Get a rock and break the window, I don't know. Just get me out of here!"


"Okay, just stand back," he takes a rock and smashes it against the glass, but it has no effect. He hits it again and still nothing. His eyes go wide as he turns around and runs away. Where the hell does he think he's going? He gets back in his car and turns around. So much for my knight in shining armor coming to save me. I go into the kitchen to get some water, bowing my head in defeat. He gave up so quickly.

I give up on all hope until I hear a loud destructive noise coming from the room that I was locked in before. Out of the room comes my beautiful blue eyed knight. "Are you going to stare at me all day or are we going to get the hell out of here?" he asks grabbing my hand. I honestly did not think I would be able to escape this soon. I limp through the broken bricks and wood of the house to get into his car. He helps me in as fast as he can, then runs to the other side of the vehicle. I sit back in relief. He closes his door and starts to back up.

"You know your crazy right?" I laugh. I mean he drove into the house. You have to have some seriously big balls to do that.

"Your safe and that's all that matters." His tone of voice goes from gentle to stern and heavy.

"Thank you, by the way," he looks away from the road. "You saved my life. Who knows what that asshole would have done with me later on. By the way I didn't get your name."


"Well, nice to meet you Niall. You're a life saver." No response. His face and neck turn a bright shade of red. We sit in silence for what feels like twenty minutes. His house was twice as big as Lia- I mean Mr. Payne's house. Niall gets out and walks over to my door. He's just standing there waiting for me to close the door. "What?" I ask not getting what the hell he's staring at.

"Jump Lillian," he says in sort of a duh tone and puts his arms out.

"You're not going to carry me." I say trying to limp to his front door.

"My living room isn't until the third floor Lillian. Stop being stubborn." He and I are the same hight there's no way he could carry me up two flights of stairs. I roll my eyes and wrap my arms around Niall's neck. Ha, Déjà vu. I hope when we get inside he lets me borrow his phone so I can call the police.

"How are you not dying right now?" I ask the muscular boy carrying me. He clears his throat, but doesn't answer. Thinking back, I wonder why he was all the way by Mr. Payne's house. I brush the thought away when I feel a sharp pain in my foot. I cry in pain as he slowly sets me down on a couch. Hey, his living room wasn't on the third floor...

"I'll go get some ice. Do you want anything to eat? Are you hungry?" he asks eagerly.

"Do you have any chips?"

"Only Fritos," he yells from the kitchen.

"Ah Frito pie!" I yell which causes him to run back into the room worried.

"The hell is Frito pie?"

"Its heaven in a bowl."

"Which contains...?"

"Which contains Fritos, chili, onion, and shredded cheese?" I smile.

"I'm pretty sure I have all of that," he smiles. "Show me how to make it?"


"Okay so grab the casserole dish and make a layer of chips," he does as he's told. "Now pour a light layer of chili."

"Let me guess the onion next?" he laughs.

"You learn quick." I say punching his arm. Niall dices up an onion and spreads it across the pot.

"Last but not least the cheddar cheese, yum!"

"How long does it need to be in the oven?"

"Ten minutes should be long enough. Or until you can start smelling it, whichever comes first." I'm sitting on his kitchen counter sipping from a huge water bottle when I remember I just escaped from a maniac. "I think we should call the police now. I'm sure Liam is either home or almost home by now. Either way he's going to be pissed when he sees I'm not there.

"It's an hour drive back from town. You'll be fine. We can call them later. I have a shower upstairs if you want to take one. I'm sure you smell like his house." I nod my head and ask for help to get down.

"You don't think he'll find me here do you?"

"Lillian, you will be fine." Something in my brain clicks.

"You know, I don't recall telling you my name."

"Well, you did, silly."

"So why were you at his house?" I ask, getting a little suspicious.

"I needed to borrow something from him."

"Hmm." that couldn't have been all. It seemed like he knew him.

"What does hmm mean?" I think he's lying to me.

"Nothing. I think the foods done!" I say changing the subject.


I limp to the couch and start to dig in. I hear Niall talking on the phone with someone. I couldn't make out what he was saying, there was a door between us. He walks in with a with a smile on his face and sits down next to me.

"The cops will be here soon." He says. I feel a sense of relief wash through me. Mr. Payne will be arrested and I'll get to go home.

"Thank you again, Niall." I breath out and he nods. "You don't know how grateful and relieved I feel."

Niall doesn't say anything until I mention how good the Frito pie is. "Yeah, you like it huh?"

"I give you props." I smile at him and he just smiles back.

"So, what happened?" He suddenly asks and I place my dish on the coffee table in front of me.

"What do you mean?"

"Like, how did he even- what happened?" Niall stutters out. Does he really want to know how Mr. Payne took me?

"Why?" I ask and he looks away from me. "Niall?"

"I was just curious. You know when the cops get here, you're going to have to tell them what happened." Niall looks at me. He looks sort of upset, but maybe he just feels bad for me.

Sorry I've been taking too long to update I was struggling with school! I just graduated!


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⏰ Last updated: Jun 09, 2015 ⏰

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