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I put her an a t-shirt of mine and kept her bra and underwear on. Geez and I thought it was hard to dress babies... She's a heavy sleeper. I lay her in the bed in pull the comforter to her neck. She looks so beautiful and sweet. I give her a small back on the forehead before undressing myself. That love seat is so small. Hopefully I'll wake up before her and she won't notice I slept with her. It's late and I'm tired as hell.


The bed felt like heaven until I feel kicking and hear screaming. She's awake. "What the fuck do you think you're doing in this bed you asshole! Get out! Go away-" She was about to hit me in the chest but I stop her and squeeze her arm tight.

"I was thinking, this is my bed and I would like to enjoy your first night here." I set the arm down. "Now, do you want to try that again, how about a 'good morning.' instead?" Before she crawls out of bed she gives me a look that sends chills down my spine. She's a sassy one. But I can change that.

"I'm sorry.." she bows her head. "You changed my clothes?!" A firecracker, this one.

"Yep." I say holding my laughter in.

"That means you undressed me?"

"It does."

"Why the fuck did you do that?" she needs to watch her mouth...

"Don't talk to me like that, who the hell do you think you are? Do not treat me with disrespect or you won't like what hap-"

"What are ya gonna do, rape me?"

"I would never hurt you like that." You know that feeling you get in your throat that feels like you've been stabbed, and if you talk it'll sound like a dying frog. It wont go away. "You looked uncomfortable. Nobody sleeps in jeans, that's just weird. I was trying to be nice."

"Well. Thanks, I guess. just please don't do that again." she says sweetly. I can literally feel the butterflies in my stomach. Wow, that sounds creepy. That's because it is.  A voice in my head says. At least some part of me is sane.

"Well since you're up, I think we should go over some rules."

"Rules?" she pouts.

"Did I stutter?"

"No.." she shifts in the bed and tries to get comfortable, but can't. I can tell it's because of me...I push the covers off of my legs and sit on the loveseat.

"Okay! Rule number 1: No cussing."

"Just me, or both of us?"

"Just you." her eyes widen.

"That's not fair!"

"Lifes not fair. Rule number 2: No talking back."

"How old do you think I am?" her fists hit the bed.

"You're acting like a six year old."

"Nuh uh." I am growing very impatient.


"Sorry!" she throws her hands up.

"Rule number 3: Don't even try to run away. It'll take you days to get back home on foot." she rolls her eyes for the millionth time.

Lillian's POV

"You know what, we'll go over this later, I'm going to go take a shower." Who does he think he is, trying to control me? I don't care about those stupid rules. I'm going to escape at every chance I get. Bullshit. "When I'm done I want you to take one. We have to shopping for clothes today." Over my dead body. Maybe I try to escape while he's in the shower. He closes the bathroom door and I hear the water running.

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