The first day of school

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Lori went to the bathroom after the summer break she literally did not want to go but school is school and she only had to go one more year and boom ! The big city ! Lynn was wearing a red helmet and luan " what did the termite say after eating the doll ? " mr coconut " i am gonna bruchst !" Luan laughed and everyone else grounded while leni didn't get it " luan no one wants jokes today we are all in a somewhat bad mood." it was true who likes the first day of school ? If Lisa was older maybe but she was stuck in preschool so yea she wasn't exited either especially Lucy was bumped out " you ok sis ?" Lucy answered " sigh no my english teacher is now teaching in royal woods high school and he was the only teacher who liked my poetry." Leni petted her " their their- wait is the teacher creepy ?" Lucy answered " no his pretty nice and he was our schools biology and chemistry teacher too so you might see him alot." Lori had to ask " single ? Any moody days ? Age ? And does he do a lot of surprise tests ?" Lucy " sigh not married has daughter, none that i know of, 21 and no he said he hates surprise tests unless a class deserved it." Lori sighed with relief " good our class is safe." Luna jumped into the conversation holding her axe " does he like rock ?" Lucy nodded "he likes the band smooch." Luna said " rocking !!!" Lucy had to say " oh yea he hates pranks so luan be careful." Mr coconuts said " oh coconuts !" Luan chuckled " but seriously thats not great." Leni thought "i wonder if he needs a babysitter ?"

At school

After leaving the house lori went to her class and saw the new teacher and was shocked he wearing a orange pullover, blue jeans and the most interesting thing about his look " WHITE HAIR ?!" Lori thought and the teacher looked at them Lori not showing eye contact " good first day of school or better said good last year in prison for some." Some laughed and others just chuckled." Now my name is Lincoln Wilson and I will be your biology, English and chemistry teacher. Looks like your school had retirement party or they won the lottery because i got a lot classes to visit today! " he smiled and wrote his name on the white board, he made a great first impression and Lori didn't like the fact that the teacher looked like her older de- lost brother !

Lori ran out of her class after the class and grabbed all of her siblings after taking a picture of Lincoln " ok guys this is literally freaky !" She showed them the picture after looking at it for a moment Leni comment " looks like a younger pop-pop or a older Li-" and understood why Lori pulled them here " hey it's lincoln !" luan had a hard time believing it " yea they do look a like but you could be telling a white lie " she chuckled all groaned but luna stared at the picture " BIG BRO ?!" Lori" wow calm down luna like luan could be right" luna sighed " i miss him sis and if there is a change i will take it !" Lori smiled and luan had to ask " wait where did you get that picture ?" Lori sighed " looks like Lincoln will be our teacher " they all gasped " we need to tell mom and dad !" Luan said and luna stood " no they would go over board and might scare our teacher off and if it turns out his not our bro one of our teachers will think we are crazy !" They all agreed " now where is leni ?" Everyone looked around and saw her coming to them " leni where did you go ?" Leni smiled in her airhead away" guys you won't believe it i asked lincoln if i could baby sit and i got the job !" All looked both shocked and impressed " how did you get the job ?" Leni explained that she was lucy's sister and after she told him how she took care of her siblings and it was done !" Wow nice going sis !" Leni " yea and that gives us a change to look for more clues !" luan still had some doubts about this but hey she didn't have a reason to argue "so what do you say ask mr Lincoln more about his past tomorrow ? Because we literally don't have another class with him"

I hope you like this because i will continue if atleast one person reads this

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