6 •Same Special Person•

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Donghae's P.O.V

I drove to Siwon's mansion fast enough to reach there in less than an hour. I parked my car on a familiar spot on his garage and rang the bell to his house. With such a vast place, it was indeed a waste to live alone. Unlike me, he was strict in discipline and never brought girls home. Sometimes the whole of Super Junior would come at his place to party and we were the only guests to him.

He unlocked the door soon and moved aside to let me in. We were really close, but today it feels different.

I might sound childish, but he did not give me his signature bro hug today. On top of that, he did not call me by any of my pen names.
Usually he'd scream and hug me with "Yo baby boy!" "Fishy!" "Baby Dino" and "no#2 handsomest man in the world" (he called himself number 1). Today, he didn't even look me in the eye as he greeted me.

I stepped inside and made myself comfortable on his couch

Ups! Ten obraz nie jest zgodny z naszymi wytycznymi. Aby kontynuować, spróbuj go usunąć lub użyć innego.

I stepped inside and made myself comfortable on his couch. He arranged breakfast and coffee for the both of us and we ate in awkward silence until I decided to draw some conversation.

"The whole of Super Junior stayed in that place except you. Does our leadernim know of it?"

He looked like he hadn't heard me. After a brief pause he added,"Yeah, Teukie-hyung knows of it. I told them I would drink and leave."

The awkward atmosphere returned once again, while none of us speaking a word.
At last, he probably mustered some courage to get to the actual conversation.

"Donghae-ah, how do you know Kim Y/N?" he finally asked.

I looked at him half-shocked. Man I thought he was okay with my playboy status as long as I was his loyal friend?

"Uh, who is she?" I lied cutting the chicken steak. I do not easily lie to Siwon unless he worries about me unnecessarily.

"Lee Donghae, I'm being serious right now. The girl you were with last night, how do you know her?" he asked sternly, raising his voice.

I stopped with whatever I was trying to eat as I dropped my spoon and fork. "I don't know her, Siwon. She was just a random girl that caught my interest, and I do not ask names of girls I spend nights with." This was a 50-50 lie and 50-50 the truth. I did this with girls, yes but this was not the case for Kim Y/N.

He looked at me with disbelieve and grabbed my collar ready to throw a punch. He hissed into my ears. "LISTEN, I DON'T CARE WHO YOU FUCK AROUND WITH AND WHO SLEEPS WITH YOU BUT DO NOT FUCKING DARE TO LAY A FINGER ON Y/N EVER AGAIN. IF YOU WANT TO KEEP THIS FRIENDSHIP ALIVE THAT IS. A DIRTY SCUMBAG LIKE YOU DO NOT DESERVE A NIGHT WITH Y/N." He released my collar and let me collapse onto the couch, as he stood up and turned around facing his back to me.

I was silent for a while as I fixed my collar. The palms of my hands were drenched with sweat.
"Choi Siwon, stop this. Who is she to you anyways?" I spat back with equal anger.

"She's my everything." He said, the anger still evident in his voice.

Maybe we were bestfriends for a reason, and that definitely was with the fact that we shared the same special person.

A/N: LEAVE ME WITH RESPONSES GUYS! Thanks for the 60+ views though. ❤❤❤ Hope you are liking it so far.

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