3 •Wrong time, Wrong place•

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Donghae's P.O.V

We decided to have some business at a club since we needed a drinking place. Everyone in my team had a high alcohol tolerance and the best club out here in Seoul was undoubtedly club99.

I was the last one to arrive as everyone of them gathered. We were a total of 15 people. Back when we were in highschool, everyone called us with the nickname "Super Junior". We fought against people who did us wrong and eventually we became very daring up to the point even the teachers in the school sweat because of our presence.

Siwon, my bestfriend encircled his arms around my neck in a friendly manner. "Boy, you are late. The treat in on you tonight." He chuckled poking me on the forehead. I hit him back laughing. "Arasso."

We were VIP guests. Instantly a group of girls joined our party. They all sat beside me and Siwon and most of them hanging out with our Heechul hyung.

"Yah, Lee Donghae and Choi Siwon! Its not fair you two get the girls I bring over!" Eunhyuk, a.k.a the anchovy guy whined half-drunk.

"Yeah, yeah they only come with you to see us." Siwon said laughing his ass off.

"He basically took the third wheeling game to the next level." Our evil maknae, Kyuhyun cracked a bad joke while making the whole squad burst into a fit of laughter.
"Bastards" Eunhyuk hit each one of us while crying out of laughter himself.

With a pack of crackheads in our team, you'd never even guess that we are South-Korea's biggest mafia team. Even the government worshipped us.

Just then, a girl around her mid-twenties took a seat further away from mine with her friends. She looked familiar, but who was she again? I watched her laughing with her friends while a hundred stares from men cornered her. She was definitely pretty. Her lips, her pale skin, her voluptuous figure... perfect.

I was so lost observing her when finally Siwon waved in front of my face causing me to snap out of whatever i was thinking of. "Yah Donghae, I called your name 3 times already whats wrong with you? Our drinks are ready, baby boy." He said, as he handed me a glass of wine. I took it and excused myself from my crew.

"DONGHAE, I KNOW WHAT YA UP TO! I SLID SOME 'PROTECTION' INSIDE YOUR POCKET" Called out my so called "mommy-hyung" Heechul as he winked at my direction. Everyone of them started laughing along with him. They are so fucking embarrassing I swear...

I shifted closer to the seat of the women of my interest right now. Now she looks deadly familiar.
I pretended to start off as strangers. I saw her crying and approached her smoothly.
"Aint no crying in the club, alright?" I said as I tapped her face smeared with mascara. She blinked a few times, surprised.

Those familiar eyes that gleamed under the neon lights, I knew who it was instantly. For a double check, I decided to ask her name after I paid for her drink secretly.

"Y/N" She replied. I asked her why she was crying and she snapped at me with that bad temper of hers. Oh how could I ever forget about her temper?

I decided not to intervene her personal space. I bluntly suggested, maybe I could make her feel better? She surprisingly agreed. But it did destroy my pride a little seeing that she didn't know me, or who I was. No, I am not talking about her to realize that she was dealing with the Legendary Lee Donghae. If only her memory was great, maybe we could have took things slowly.

I led her to one of those private rooms. I don't know what's up, but I really wanted to make her feel better plus I WANTED her. This odd attraction I felt, was something that told me to not look back and continue. Sure, I slept with so many girls but never have I ever felt my heart beating this wildly. This lovely girl from 15 years ago is on the palm of my hands now, but sadly she does not recognize me.

I told her my name as she sat on top of me. This miss seduction I have for tonight will be the end of me. Guess what? She shivered at the sound of my name. I was half-happy. Maybe, she recognized me? Nah, I was wrong. She saw me as a monster right then.
She recognized me as the Legendary Mafia dude Lee Donghae but not the little boy from 15 years ago.
I guess this would end being a mere one night stand. Maybe, it was for the best. She does not need to know the guy I am now. We reunited at a bad time and place.

I claimed her lips after assuring her I'll be gentle. No way, I would do her wrong. I'll make her feel precious even if it was just for a night.

'Lo Siento~ Lee Donghae x Readerحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن