hold me(part two)

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still 3rd person pov

emily was looking into victorias eyes and still stroking her behind and Victoria was holding back even more sexier moans Emily felt her hormones got my off very much she could not take it and sat straight up and began to bite Victoria breath giving little nibbles on both her breast.

Victoria bent down and nibbled on Emily's neck and Emily kept groaning to herself more and more than before, Victoria told Emily.
"Hold me..."
sadly the fun was over because someone turned the door knob closely opening the door and Victoria ran to her room and Emily sat up wiping her mouth and making sure she looked ok her aunt walks in and smiles at Emily and luckily just in time Victoria was already dressed and gave a signal to Emily that to hide the clothes she had first token off and Emily slowly pushed it aside.

The whole time Victoria and Emily had a huge blush on their faces and Emily had checked the hour did not realize that time flew by very quick and had to leave and told Victoria she had to go and she will text her later.

So she left and had one person she wished she didn't see.

"What the hell are you doing here?"

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