What to do?

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Me and her have been talking for quiet awhile now, and she seemed like any typical girl you would wanna be with she may me a little quiet person who does not really get along with society but i find it adorable i'm not really into most people who like get along very well, i just have my taste in girls. she had also told me she is very into basketball, she likes to read (sadly in Spanish), she is more of an egghead than i expected. 

gladly i am free on a Tuesday afternoon right after school my mom decided to give me a day off of work and i have asked if i can go out to the mall with a friend my mother agreed she thought it was a good idea since i'm normally stuck at home, the first person i can think of is Victoria so i pulled out my phone ad asked if she wanted to hang out tomorrow and right away she said "sure"(si) so when i was in my room i was looking for a movie for us to watch together.

not very long i found one and then told her all she said was i don't care don't really matter to me, so we decided to watch "insidious the last key" and i picked the hour 5:30p.m. she said it was alright so i just had to wait one more day until our little meet up, hopefully i don't mess up. i just wanna show her i am not what everyone says i am, so i looked around picking an outfit to wear but its like i said if i wanna impress her should i just be myself? what if she does not like me the way i am? oh god what if she is trying not to hurt my feelings? jesus...

Victoria p.o.v 

I just get here and i already have a friend inviting me to a place called a "mall" its a new thing for me since i don't really do society and i'm that shy typical girl. if imma be honest..i'm kinda nervous i sorta had this thing for emily.. i just cant show emotions in front of people since im just labeled as a "blank" person someone who does not feel safe yet to be myself which is a class known as a Tsundere and just in case you don't or anyone who knows what it means it basically means that its a person who seems cold and sounds cold and cruel but soon if comfortable can show a soft side. 

but anyways enough of that i just cant think f anyway to expose myself without looking like a fool i just cant be developing feelings imma be honest again she is my first crush, but i don't know if she is what i think she is i just hope she can figure out the way i feel because i cannot hold my emotions much longer. i decide to prepare myself and grab everything i need tomorrow and i have asked my Aunt if i could borrow a few dollars she agreed and gave me about $100. 

hope i don't mess up...

Emtoria (Emily x Victoria)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz