CHAPTER SEVENTEEN - Hail to the Moon

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As it turns out, William was a remarkable story teller.

When everyone heard that, for the second night of Yule, William would be telling the story of the Wild Hunt the children shouted in delight. They had sat and rustled about while they waited for him to pull up a chair in the front of the room.

Christian had, once again, joined the group. This time, he stayed near the back leaning against the wall with his arms crossed. Despite his posture, he couldn't hide the small smile that was forming. Nor, the light in his eyes as the children begged William to start. Louis walked over to Christian and said something, causing him to bark out a laugh and pat Louis on the back amicably.

Alina couldn't stop staring.

That was, until William cleared his throat and started his low intonation. The children all hushed around him.

"In a time long passed the faerie folk lived among us, before they withdrew from our land back into Fairyland..."

He had the children's rapt attention as he told them of the Wild Hunt. A group of Faeries led by Gywnn Ap Nudd that rode by night, capturing up lost souls and children.

"I never knew William could be so... endearing," Alina whispered to Elizabeth who sat beside her, listening to her mate.

"He has his moments." She blushed.

"I wonder if he will be this good with your children?" Alina quipped, earning a light smack on the shoulder from Elizabeth and a slight giggle.

William looked up sharply at them and they both closed their lips tightly around smiles, holding in giggles when he continued on.

Alina only looked back at Christian twice more.


On the third day, half of the pack went out in search of the perfect Yule Log. The plan was to put it in the largest dining room, where the majority of the festivities would be taking place for the rest of Yuletide. The log would burn for the rest of the nine nights, the Yule Ball falling on the final night.

The joy of the season was catching in the castle and inflicting any who came into contact. It wasn't uncommon to walk down the halls and hear someone humming or singing a merry tune while they worked. Alina couldn't keep a smiled from her face. She hadn't realized just how happy she ended up being here.

She was coming down the main staircase when the door opened, letting in the blustery wind outside. Alina rubbed her hands up and down her arms for warmth. Christian stepped inside, shaking the snow from his hair and shoulders.

"Did you manage to find the perfect log?" Alina continued her venture down the stairs.

He looked up at her. His eyes were alight, his face flushed with cold. The snow that remained on him seemed to glimmer like a strange sort of magic. He was so strikingly beautiful her heart skipped a beat.

"We did." He walked over to her. "From the new woods that have graced my land. We've cut it. The others are hauling it in now."

"Are you sure that's wise?" Those woods had most assuredly been formed by magic, a magic that was most probably faerie.

"I am fairly certain," he smirked. "If not, what's another curse?"

He began to walk down the hallway when Alina paused and turned to yell at his back.

"Wait... did you just make a joke?"


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