CHAPTER NINE - Dinner Interruptus

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The next day Alina spent on her own. When not submerged in her book, she spent the time pacing, worrying away with her hands.

What would happen tonight? Would the lord still expect her to go to dinner? Would he be so insulted that he kicked her out of the castle and back home, or send her back to that tower dungeon?

As the time ticked closer to seven, Alina's pacing began again. Perhaps he wouldn't come tonight, still stinging from her rebuke. Would she even go to dinner?

A tight pull came at her chest, an ever tugging thread that was beginning to make her chest ache. Yes, she would go with him if he asked - if only to ease this infernal need that seemed to only be relieved around him.

As the chimes struck seven, sharps raps came once again on the door. Alina took a deep, unsteady breath and opened the door.

Gods above, was it possible to get more handsome everyday? Alina thought, sucking in a breath when she saw him standing there.

If only he could wipe the scowl that seemed etched into his lovely face.

"Join me for dinner."

Okay, they were out of the question stage again. Was he in a foul mood? But then again, when wasn't he?

Alina merely shot him a look and laced her hand through his arm once again.

Dinner was pleasant. Other than him making it clear that the only time and space she was allowed in his quarters was this dining room and during dinner with him. They spoke very little, only fragments and pieces, but between that the silence was not as uneasy as the night prior. The ceaseless, invisible yanking from her center eased and for that alone she was grateful she had come.

However, near the end once more after they had finished their desserts, he spoke up again.

"Will you marry me?"

She was not taken aback this time, nor too stunned to think properly. She had explained her reasons thoroughly last time and they had not changed. So, she answered simply.

"I will not."

The lord merely nodded his head and told her goodnight as she left the room.


Over the course of the next week, Alina and the lord continued to dine together every evening and Alina continued to reject proposals. She took special care at noon to lunch with Elizabeth and eat in the communal dining rooms; she didn't want the rest of the castle to think that she was avoiding them. Plus, she enjoyed seeing the boisterous dining rooms. People were all happily chatting and fooling around and it made her feel less alone.

Alina had told no one about his continued offer of matrimony, not even Elizabeth or Mary. She wasn't sure what they would say. She wasn't even sure how she would say it. It was a strange situation that she didn't fully understand. He had kidnapped her, or bought her depending on the angle she looked at it. He held her prisoner in his castle, then asked her to marry him. Surely there had been a better way to go about getting a wife, or even courting a woman.

But had he known a better way? She thought. Everyone had said he was never told no. Perhaps he had never truly had to try for anything before.

Well, he could stop trying with her. It would be a cold day in hell before she ever accepted a proposal from him. She would rather stay his abducted prisoner than ever turn into his wife.

The incessant tugging pulled hard at her chest and her hand came up to rub it soothingly.

No matter how devilishly handsome he is. Or how nice he smells.

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