CHAPTER EIGHT - Dinner Conversation

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The hour struck seven and the small chimes on the clock sitting on the fireplace mantle sounded. Before the chimes finished, a loud knock sounded upon her door. Three rapid taps in a row, brief and to the point. Straightening her blush gown, a dinner dress of flowing lace and the fanciest she had worn since she arrived, Alina stood and walked towards the door.

She knew who it was and what they wanted.

Steadying herself, she reached a shaky hand toward the knob and twisted, opening the door to reveal His Lordship. He was once again dressed for dinner. Alina did her best to control her body, but the sight of him made her heart race. Clenching her hands within her skirts, she waited.

"Would you join me for dinner?" He gritted out, expecting a refusal.

His way of demanding turned into more of a stern question, so at least he was improving, she thought to appease her will.

"Of course," she replied as though there was never any doubt she would say yes.

He growled at her tone. But offered his arm to escort her nevertheless.

Alina hesitated, only for a moment. Could she really touch him? Could she put her hand on his arm without pulling too close? Without trying to find something sharp and jab it into him? He smelled delicious, his usual sandalwood and jasmine mixed with soil and dirt. She wondered if he had been outside gardening, but quickly dismissed the idea. She couldn't imagine him doing his own dirty work, quite literally.

He let out a huff before grabbing her hand in his own and tucking it into the crook of his elbow, impatient. A jolt shot through her in that moment and she squeezed his elbow to help keep her upright.

What was that? How does he do that?

He looked down and smirked at her, as though he knew exactly what she was thinking, and led her down the hallway. They passed what Alina knew as the formal dining room, and the informal one as well where Elizabeth had said most of the castle sat down to eat at during some point in the day.

Her knowledge of the castle, though still limited, made her ever the more confused. Why was he leading her away from all the communal rooms?

"Where are we going?" She asked out loud when the curiosity had finally got the best of her.

"To dinner."

"But we already passed the dining rooms," she argued.

"I am glad to see that you are learning your way around the castle." He didn't sound very glad. "Perhaps you could decipher where we are heading after our next turn."

He couldn't just answer her straightforwardly.

They turned the corner and before she knew it, they were in the East Wing. His wing. The area that absolutely no one in the castle was permitted, except himself. Her grip on his arm tightened as he brought her to the first door and opened it wide. There, was a cozy room with a small wooden table, comfortably able to sit four. Two sets of plates were laid out under the candlelight.

"If no one is allowed here, how did the food get here?" Surely he had not made the exception to the rule only her.

"I have two hands. I am more than capable of carrying two plates for dinner. Sit."

She was going to assume he meant "please, sit" because her stomach was growling and the food smelled divine. She moved to one end and he the other. From the moment she sat down in her chair, on the opposite side of the table, dinner was an uncomfortable silence.

The disturbing, invisible pulling and pushing on her body and chest had laxed for the longest period she could remember, allowing her to breathe more freely. But, the stifling silence except for the scrap of utensils on plates was grinding.

"Why aren't we dining with everyone else?" Alina asked to break the interminable silence that stretched out between them.

"I don't like to."

"How charming."

The lord gave her a withering glare in response and turned back to his meal. Unable to help herself, Alina stuck her tongue out at him in response. This man was infuriating.

"Why, exactly, have you been inviting me to dinner? For us to sit and ponder what makes us both miserable in un-companionable silence?" Alina burst out again, unable to take the forks screaming from the plate any longer. She was tempted to throw one at him.

The lord sighed and set down his fork and knife. For a moment, Alina thought that he was just going to stand up and walk out rather than answer her. Instead, he took a deep drink from his goblet and looked over at her.

"I am sure you have noticed that I lack in ability to make small talk."

Alina had to hold her tongue not to make a quip at him; he shot her a look as if to say he knew what she was thinking.

"I have had precious little to make small talk about in a great many years. In fact, I am not sure I have ever had to do so." He paused. "I do not mean to be rude or brisk, it's just how I am and how I communicate. Regardless of that, you will be staying here for the foreseeable future and I would like it if we got to know each other better."

Alina was more than a bit taken aback by his confession. True, he did lack in conversational manners. Anyone with ears would know that.

"Well, you could save us both the trouble and simply let me return home to my family," Alina offered.

"I am afraid that is something I cannot do that," he said. "Is there something else you would like, anything else I could do to make you more at ease here?"

"Well, I could use something to do during the day. I've made friends with Elizabeth, but I can't keep her all the time. I am not used to being idle and need something to do. Maybe a small garden to tend?"

He grinned at her cockily and Alina resisted the urge to roll her eyes. No matter what he tried, his arrogance certainly had a way of turning back up.

"I think that can be arranged, if you are willing to grant me a few days to get things in order."

"Thank you." Alina replied a bit less tersely and took another bite.

Alina had been right in assuming that the food tasted as good as it smelled. They finished off their dinners in a content silence, the tension easing up only slightly. When she had finally put down her fork and relaxed in her chair, the lord broke the silence once more.

"I- I have a question to ask you," he stumbled.

Alina noted the stumble and her eyes squinted lightly.

"Yes?" Alina queried, her belly sated and feeling rather drowsy.

"Will you marry me?"

That certainly pulled Alina from her food induced stupor.

"W-what?" She spluttered and sat up ramrod straight.

"Will you do me the honor of having your hand in marriage?" He repeated, this time rather testily.

"No!" Alina exclaimed, standing and knocking her chair over. She never should have come here, given him the benefit of the doubt. "You have me captured here and refuse to release me. I don't even know your name. I will not marry you!"

If it were possible to look both incredibly hurt and stupidly angry at the same time that would be the look Alina would have described on the man's beautiful face.

"Very well," he said calmly as though he had not just asked her to be his wife. "I shall see you tomorrow night for dinner, I hope."

With that, he stood and exited the room, leaving Alina disoriented and more than a little shocked.


AN: Woah, His Lordship moves a little fast, no? he he.  Don't forget to vote and comment!


Kris Black

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