A Test of Skill, part 2

Start from the beginning

"You need not trouble yourself with worry, brother," Siegfried said. He shot his last arrow and hit the target's heart without looking.

"That isn't what troubles me the most," Lucius said, missing his target. "Last night's dream still troubles me."

Siegfried lowered his bow and furrowed his brows. "Was it...him?"

"Yes. The dragon appeared in my dream again— darker and more menacing than before. Kraegyn's fire burnt my flesh."

"Do not speak his name—not here. I do not know what these dreams entail, Lucius. But perhaps you should tell Father about it."

"I don't want to worry him about this. He always secludes himself in his study when I share my dreams with him. I feel as if I've brought a great burden on him..and to you also by arriving as I did," he said.

"Lucius, you have been a blessing to both my father and I, you know this. If Father worries about your dreams, it is merely because he cares for you. Neither he nor I would allow any evil to cause you harm."

Lucius nodded. "I know. Perhaps I should tell him then."

"It can only help you, brother. And as for this matter of your arrival, you know that could not be helped. You were a mere infant when you were left at the Marble Gate," Siegfried said, placing his hand on Lucius' shoulder.

"Father still believes it to be a sign of some sort," Lucius scoffed. "But the only sign I see is that of uncaring parents."

Before Siegfried could speak, a horn sounded nearby. They both looked toward the city square. "Has the tournament started?" Lucius asked nervously.

"No, but we must not tarry any longer. Come!" Siegfried grabbed a second quiver of arrows leaning on the fence and rushed toward the western road.

Lucius quickly gathered his gear and tried to keep up with his brother's swift pace. They hurried along the road, which ran through the outskirts of the city in a semicircle, eventually connecting with the eastern road. The eastern and western roads were split by an intersecting lane known as the Royal Road. Lucius and Siegfried ran along the eastern road for a few feet before they turned right onto the Royal Road which led them to Evingrad's center. The cobblestone path was lined with the marble houses of the most honored families. The Royal Road descended a few feet as they neared the Tower of Breninmaur, a tall spire used as a post for the elven warriors patrolling the city. The tower also housed the entrance to the Hollows of Breninmaur, long tunnels descending into the world below.

The elves of Evingrad were all gathered in the oval court on the eastern side of the Tower. A dais had been erected at the end of the courtyard and all members of the Cyngorell, the governing council of Evingrad, were seated upon it. The Cyngorell were sages, judges, alchemists, and healers who led the elves of Evingrad with their ancient wisdom, seeking peace for all peoples of Azuleah. Helmer Silverhart sat at the right end of the dais and watched his sons, Siegfried and Lucius, run toward the crowd. He smirked at Lucius as he lined up with the rest of the assembly.

Lucius stood behind some elder elves in long, velvet robes. He was out of breath and some of the elves looked at him with raised eyebrows. Siegfried was as calm as ever, standing tall among his kin and waiting for the leader of the Council, Quetulya, to speak. A tall elf dressed in a flowing scarlet robe rose from the center of the dais. His eyes were fierce, but his demeanor tranquil as he looked upon the crowd before him.

"D'arya be with you all, as we gather here today. The Cyngorell is pleased to see so many of you here today willing to compete in this year's tournament. As many of you well know, those who claim victory today will become Protectors of Verdania and join our kin in the forests below to safeguard our land from the evils plaguing Azuleah. But this honor cannot be bestowed on any elf...or man," he said while glancing at Lucius, whose eyes lowered to the ground. "Only those whose skills with a bow and a sword surpass the challenges ahead will be deemed worthy by this Council to serve the Great Tree."

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