Chapter 2: Parting

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A year flew by. Finally, Aiman graduated from high school. As planned, Aiman decided to go to Jakarta after his graduation to pursue his dreams.

Today was the day he would leave for Jakarta. His parents, sisters, and best friends saw him off to the bus station to say their goodbye.

“You have to take care of yourself, my son,” Aiman’s mother, Nuri said while ruffling his son's hair.

Aiman nodded. “Yes mom, I promise you.”

“Be careful, my son. Don’t forget to call us or send us some letters, okay?” Fachri, Aiman’s father's tapped him on the shoulder.

“Yes Dad, I will,” Aiman promised.

“Don’t forget to buy me some souvenirs from Jakarta when you come home, okay Brother?” Aiman's youngest sister, Adinda requested.

Aiman smiled. “Okay, Sis.”

“And you, Alya,” Aiman refered to his other sister, “as the eldest sister, you must take care of our Mom, Dad and sister, okay?”

Alya nodded her head. “Sure! Don't worry, Brother! I will take care of them when you are in Jakarta.”

Aiman rumpled her hair. “Good girl!”

The family then put their arms around each other and hugged.

Detaching their embrace, Aiman left his family and approached his best friends. “Shinta, Nina, I have to go now,” he told them.

“Be careful, Aiman!” Nina gave Aiman a brief hug.

“Ok, I will,” Aiman responded.

“We’re going to miss you so much, Aiman,” Shinta said sadly while hugging Aiman.

Aiman hugged Shinta back. “Yes, me too.”

They detached their embrace, and lapsed into an uncomfortable silence for a while until Aiman broke the silence. “Look, Shinta!” He held Shinta's hand. “This is just for awhile. I promise I’ll be back as soon as I become successful in Jakarta.”

“I know.” Shinta smiled weakly. “Good luck, Aiman! I hope your dreams come true.”

“Thank you, Shinta.” Aiman raised her hand to his lips.

Immediately, Shinta felt a warm blush rise to her cheeks.

Aiman let go of Shinta's hand and walked towards the bus door.

“Mom, Dad, Alya, Dinda, Shinta, and Nina, I am leaving now. See you later,” he said.

“See you, Aiman,” all of them said in unison.

Aiman was about to get on the bus, but suddenly Shinta called after him, “Aiman?"

Aiman turned around to face Shinta. “Yes?”

“Be careful!” Shinta said with a warm smile.

Aiman returned her smile. “Okay.”

He finally got on to the bus and took a seat in the front row.

A moment later, the bus driver got on to the driver's seat and started the engine.

As the bus drove off, Aiman looked out of the window and gave his family and friends a wave of goodbye. They all waved back with tears rolling down their faces.


Written: April 21, 2018

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