"Yea yea, every funny Ciel." I said

(Here is start, you can skip this part if you want to...)

He smiled and turn around that his back is face me, he bend over started to suck on something and that something was my member.

I started to moans little bit loud "Mm.. C-Ciel.. ah.. h-harder.. p-please."

He it went deep in his mouth but he didn't went hard like I wanted to. Well I think he takes this in his own ways and I like it, even though it scares me a little.

I felt his teeth on my member and scaping up and down while sucking it, I felt the pain and it hurts a lot.

"Babe.. it hurt.. please stop."

He still keep going until he stop, I sighed but still in pain. He got off me and went to that box again, while he was distracted I tried to break free and no luck. 'dam it, how tight he put this on me' I thought and then I saw a fake male member in his hand and some gel.

I get little bit more scared "babe? What are you doing with that?"

"Just sit.. I mean just lay down their and let me do all the work ok." He said and I got scared even more.

He put the gel on top of the thing and then shovel it in me, I almost scream in pain. 'this thing is bigger than mine. Who had a member this big?' I said to myself.

"Oh I am having fun already" he laughed evilly it not himself anymore but more to someone else.

He went faster and deeper with this thing, I try not to scream in pain because of the sleeping baby in the house. 'i can't take it anymore this too much' I thought to myself.

"Ciel.. baby please stop.. it's hurt.. stop." I tried to snap him out of it but it got worse.

"I am having fun Sebastian, I thought you like the pain. I see that you got soft over the years now, I am so sorry that I have a soft boyfriend" Ciel said.

"Ciel.. I like the.. pain but.. not this kind.. of pain.. Ciel." I said

His eyes glow even more and his smile was gone, now he frown a bit and he stop was he was doing. 'oh thank lusfer' he looks down for a bit and then he rase his head smirk evilly again but this time more evil then before.

(Now you can read the rest of the story for the people that skip it)

"C-Ciel.. please snapped out it.. your scaring me right now." I said trying to get out.

"Oh I am scaring you, oh how wonderful." He grabbed the thing again and then shovel it in completely and I scream in pain again. "Oh I love people scream in pain"

Once I force my eyesight to see, I look at Ciel. He look same but also different in him, I wanted him to stop this but he keeps going. I tried to find where all of this happened and why Ciel is like this, he never like this when he in charge. So what happened..

"Sebastian, my boyfriend that is going to be my husband and we will have lots of kids and live in hell forever.!!!" He yell

I try to read between the lines and he he actually said: 'he will be my husband not Cielia, and after we get married I will be the mother of his children not her and we will live in hell because their no way she can go to hell even for Edward'

I got mad and finally break the hand-cuff, he.. I mean she saw me and pin me down. "Aww, you finally break free my little naughty boy?" Rebecca said in Ciel body.

"Stop this.. I know it you, Rebecca" I said trying to get her off from me even though it looks like I am trying get Ciel off from me and it hurt me her in my loves body.

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