Ally grabbed my elbow and pulled me backwards. "You better let him put a ring on it cause he's good with kids." She said to me before running and climbing in the car. Shawn was sat beside Aimee and Ally sat on the other side of him. I rolled my eyes because I forget she's a fan sometimes. I once again climbed in the backity back with Lino and Aaliyah and buckled up so we could go.

"Sawn, can I sits wiff you at the bro...bro..." Aimee said starting to get a little frustrated because she couldn't say broadway.

"Can you sit with me at broadway? Of course!" He says reaching out his hand for a hi five. My phone buzzed in my purse so I took it out and looked at it.

Bess Frand 👯‍♀️👯‍♀️ my ovaries 🔥
Me: if your ovaries are on fire, you may need to get that checked out
Bess Frand 👯‍♀️👯‍♀️ I meant they are exploding.
Me: mine 🔪
Bess Frand 👯‍♀️👯‍♀️ 🙇🏼‍♀️chill

"So Merci, are you going to forget me again?" Aaliyah asked nudging me in the side. Everyone laughed.

"I didn't mean to not notice you. There's so many people." I said, and continuing to ramble on.

"I'm kidding."

"I seriously don't think you're supposed to have those in here." I said as Shawn held open a bag of gummy worms for Aimee.

"Relax, it's not like they are going to kick us out for a couple of gummy worms."

"Sawn, do yous want a blue one." Aimee said holding one up to his mouth because she was sitting facing him while we were waiting for Aladdin. He opened his mouth and she shoved it all the way in. I laughed.

"Can I have one?" I asked, reaching for the bag. She smacked my hand and laughed.

"No sissy. Theys for me and sawns." She said taking another one and laughing more. I fake gasped and threw my head onto Shawn's shoulder to fake cry.

"Sissy don't cry. You can have some." She said putting her hand on my shoulder. I turned my face to look at her.

"Really?" I asked, pretending to wipe a tear.

"No silly. I already told yous you can't." I gasped at how much like me she was.

"She really is your sibling." Shawn said laughing and eating another gummy worm. I rolled my eyes at then and struck up a conversation with the little old lady beside me.

The house lights soon flashed and it was time for the show to start. I turned my phone off and put it in my purse.

"That's was so good. I can't stop crying." Ally said as we exited the theatre.

"It was alright." Aaliyah and Lino said at the same time. They looked at each other and laughed.

"I've got to come back and watch everything!" Ally said typing away at her phone,probably checking her schedule to see when she could come back and watch every on and off broadway show this season.

My moms and Shawn's left about ten minutes before the play ended because the babies got restless and so we would have room in one car.

"Shawn are you sure you don't want me to carry her?" I asked trying to take the sleeping three year old from his arms.

"No. I've got her," He said taking my hand in his free one. How he was carrying her with one hand was beyond me, she eats everything she sees.

"Hey you guys, the rumor engine is rolling again." Ally said walking up to me and showing us her phone.

God's Plan (formerly fake love) SM Where stories live. Discover now