“Why? You have to!”

“I’ll think about it.”

“Does this have anything to do with being in the hospital?”

“I already told you Luke it’s just lack of sleep now stop.”

“I’m just worried about you.”

“What’s with all guys always being worried about their girlfriend?”

“It’s because we care.”

“I get that but Luke, I’m a big girl, I was raised in the military for thirteen years, I know how to take care of myself.”

“I’m sorry it’s just because I can’t be there with you.”

“A world tour is a little more important than me. I wouldn’t want you to disappoint your fans.”

“Don’t say that Ashley.”

“Luke it is fine that you’re not here. When do you come to Toronto?”

“A couple months. I’ll be there before you know it though.”

“Where are you? It’s really quiet are the boys not around?”

“That’s so mean” I hear Calum say in the background, I laugh.

“They are being nice for once and being quiet so I can talk to you.” He flips the camera, Calum and Michael wave, Ashton’s on his phone. I wave back then remember they can’t see me.

“Idiot.” Luke says flipping the camera back to facing him.

“Shut up.”

“We got you forwarded till now so if you come with me we can go do you x-ray.” A doctor says making me roll my eyes back.

“X-ray? What x-ray? X-ray for-” Luke says but before he can continue I hang up on him.

“Are you ready?” The doctor asks.


We walk into this room and I lie down on a machine and before I know the x-ray is done.

“We should have the results in a couple weeks, we will contact you as soon as possible. We will need you to fill out some paper work.”

“Sure thing.”

I fill them out and then I was free to leave. I go to my hotel and into my room and fall asleep as soon as I lie down on my bed.

When I wake up I have a million worry texts from Luke, I wouldn’t be surprised if there are actually a million.

As I’m reading some of them he starts to call, “Hi.”

“What the hell Ashley?”

“It’s nothing just leave it alone.”

“An x-ray isn’t anything? Tell me what’s going on.”

“If you care about me you would let it go.”

“If you cared about me you would tell me what’s happening.”

“I don’t know Luke!”

“Is that just a lie too because with you, you can never be sure.”

“Well even if I did know anything you just lost any chance of me telling you.”

“You lie all the time, about your past, about how you are, and about what’s happening. I don’t know when I can trust you.”

“Do you tell me every detail of your life? No I didn’t think so.”

“I’ll talk to you later.”

“Oh I’m sorry I called.”

“I called to see how you were.”

“I’m pissed off. There, happy?” I say and then hang up.

Two fights in two weeks, we make a great couple…

I hear my phone start ringing, he can’t seriously be calling. I look at who it is and it’s Ashton.

“If you’re calling to defend Luke then I’m hanging up.”

“That’s not why I’m calling.”

“Then what? You’re calling to ask what’s wrong to aren’t you?”

“No I’m just calling to see if you need to talk.”

“Why on earth would I need to talk with you?”

“Are you really asking me that?”

“Yes. Ugh, Luke just sometimes makes me so mad and I’m use to handling my emotions and for some reason right now I can’t.”

“That’s because you suck.”

“Ashton, you’re an asshole.”

“Luke is feeling the same way as you.”


“Just wait a day or so and you guys will be good again just like last time.”

“Yeah, yeah.”

Ashton and I continue talking for another hour until he has to go and start getting ready so his performance and I go back to sleep. I hate being so tired!

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