Story Of Us

1.3K 39 6

3rd Book in the Adopted By Perrie Edwards sequel! Go read the first book if you haven't read this one please :)

First off I want to thank all my fans! I would've never gotten 50k+ on the first book! Or 29k+ on the sequel!

So let's begin with this description!

(Yes I know.. Description.. 😔)


It's been 10 years since Savanna has moved to Canada, and about half of that since she's gone back home to London. But she's pursued her dream of becoming a singer and actress. She's love by many girls around the world for her commitment to the organization CyberSmile, and even more. She's saved lives and done many meet and greets with her fans. But never once had she been asked about her love life. Or better yet... Joshua Owen. The only thing worse than getting asked about your love life is getting asked what happened to your childhood lover.

New best friends and a new life. But her old one trailing quickly behind as she takes a turn for the worst.

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