Chapter 7

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Joshua's POV:

I sat on my bed and glanced at May who was switching shirts. Her tanned skin exposed and I couldn't help but noticed that she's gained some weight.

"I don't mean to sound rude or anything babe, but have you gained weight?" I spoke and May looked at me, a frown forming.

"I uh.. Please don't get mad. I was going to tell you eventually but I got so caught up in being afraid that you were going to leave me if you found out. I'm pregnant." May slipped her shirt back over her head and I looked towards the ground.

"How far along are you?" I questioned and the bed dipped as she sat next to me.

"About 3 months..." May replied.

"Holy shit May. Why didn't you tell me?" I shook my head in disbelief and stared at the ground.

6 days later~~

Savanna's POV:

I walked through the airport terminal, with Tierra in tow. I am so glad to be back in England, I actually feel home. I glanced over at the benches where I once stood 15 years ago when I first met my new family, my life had been complete. There was nothing else I could've asked for. I wiped away the forming tears as I pushed my way through the crowd, my arm linked with Tierra's. The automatic doors opened and a gust of wind blew at Tierra and I.

"Oh god, how I missed this!" I exclaimed and Tierra laughed.

"I agree." Tierra smiled and spun around a couple times. I did the same and smiled as the cool air hit my cheeks. Multiple taxis pulled up the curb and I waved one down.

"Come on!" I pulled on Tierra's arm and ran over to the taxi, before anyone else took it. The driver greeted us with a smile and took our bags from us, placing them in the trunk. I took the passenger seat while Tierra sat in the back and observed all the people walking by.

"Let's go to my place first, I'm sure my mom would love to see you again." Tierra announced from behind me.

"Ok, same address right?" I asked, turning around and looking at Tierra. She nodded and I turned back around as the driver climbed back into the taxi.

"Where to?" The driver put the taxi into drive and pulled away from the curb. I gave the driver Tierra's address and leant back as we drove through traffic.

30 minutes later~~

"Keep the meter running, I'll only be a few minutes." I climbed out of the taxi and ran up the sidewalk to Tierra's front door. She was already there, hugging her mom.

"Kayla!" I yelled out, as I ran up to the front door.

"Well, look at you! So grown up!" Kayla greeted me with a hug and a kiss on the cheek. "Oh my girls, I haven't seen you in forever! Are you going to stay a bit Isabella?"

"I wish I could! I've got to get home and to an appointment. I'll come by soon, I promise." I looked back at the taxi, then at Kayla.

"Alrighty, have fun!" Kayla pulled me in for another hug, then stood by the door as I hurried down the sidewalk.

A/N: I'm splitting this chapter in two.


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