Rachel's letter #1

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Letter  #1

Its good morning right now here, so I bid you a beautiful day.

I just wanted to write to say that I've only just started listening to your music and watching and reading all the videos and articles that are online about Super Junior. At first, I wasn't going to write you a letter, but then I thought that maybe, sometimes, you miss the life you had before you were famous and easily recognisable. So, I'm taking this chance to tell you that you're not missing out on much, except maybe beautiful sunny summer Sydney weather. Lol

It didn't take long for me to decide to write you a letter. I know you are currently serving duty in the military and I super hope you receive this letter. Super Junior, from my angle, seems to have worked really hard over the years, and I'm glad you are doing something completely different for the moment. Can't wait for you to finish and come out super buzzed and pumped to perform. I wanted to say that I really admire your passion and devotion to your craft (and your ELFs) and I can see that you are different person on stage... you seem to come 'alive' and you radiate pure love for music and for life. I look forward to the day that I watch you and your mates on stage live and in person.

I work very long hours in a very rewarding job. And today, being Saturday and no work, I'm off to the markets in the city and I'll probably end the day at the beach with some mates doing our favourite thing... having pizza and wine on a sand picnic. And of course, Super Junior music for company too. Let me just say , there is nothing like the smell of the ocean... except the sand  when it doesn't want to let go of your feet. 

May I say, without offending you, that I don't envy your life. It takes great strength and resilience to do what you do and I'm sure you hear it all the time, but I just wanted to say thank you for the music you guys make. God it must be hard to always be surrounded by staff and managers or secretly trying to have a peaceful private life. Cameras seem to follow you everywhere and no amount of disguise gives you anonymity. But mostly, from the little I've seen, I can see the enormous pressure you guys are under to always behave yourself, perform at a high standard and maintain an 'innocent' reputation. And all I want to say, is while the performances and the music outweigh all the other negative things, it would be a massive burden to carry all that attention. That's probably why I'm a fan and you're the guy that holds the mic... (insert your giggle here).

If you haven't already guessed, I am a big fan of Super Junior, and I wanted to say thank you for making me smile each time I hear your songs. Thank you for making me laugh watching your craziness.

I wish you tons and tons of love, hope and happiness.


P.S If you get the chance, please watch an old favourite romance movie of mine 'The Truth About Cats and Dogs'. Would love to know what you think!!

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