Chapter 40: The Middle of the End

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“What’s in the basement?” I asked.

He just smiled, “I think it’s a room you’ll really like.”

“Okay,” I laughed, “I’ll get them.”

                        I went back down the stairs to Pilote’s family’s part of the palace and knocked on the door. Pilote immediately answered the door and smiled.

“Couldn’t stand to be away from me?”

I rolled my eyes and laughed, “My dad wants all of us to spend the day together. I’m on assignment to come get you and your family.”

“Come talk with me and my mom first,” he said and took my hand.

“Okay,” I smiled.

                        He led me into their living room where his mom was sitting on the couch. I sat next to Pilote on the couch across from his mom. I don’t think I’ve ever sat down and actually had a conversation with Delia before. Pilote will come over sometimes to see his parents while I’m dealing with other things, but for the most part we are always together. The war has kept us so busy we haven’t had any kind of family time.

“Mom, this is Rolla,” Pilote introduced us.

“It’s so nice to sit down and formally meet you Rolla,” Delia smiled at me.

“You too,” I smiled back, “Things have been kind of busy.”

“I can understand that. Pilote has told me all about you.”

“He’s told me a lot about you too.”

“Are you two planning a wedding anytime in the future?” she asked us.

“We are,” Pilote replied, “After the war is over. We figured at least there would be something to celebrate when the war ends no matter what happens during the war.”

“That’s a beautiful idea.”

“We thought so,” I smiled, “Things are too crazy to get married any sooner.”

“That’s true,” she chuckled, “I don’t blame you there. You seem like a great couple though; very down to earth.”

“Really?” I was surprised. “Most people don’t really pay attention to who we are as people; they just know that we’re the leaders.”

“I think it’s because everyone is so concerned with the war right now. They haven’t taken the time to get to know you two, but they will,” she told us.

I rested my head on Pilote’s shoulder.

“I think you’re right,” Pilote answered, “I mean, Rolla’s own father hasn’t gotten to know us either. Once the war ends hopefully we’ll just be people again.”

“Exactly,” Delia nodded, “Give it time.”

“My dad actually wanted to know if we all wanted to spend time together today. I was supposed to come get you and then get my mom.”

“That sounds fun,” she smiled, “I’ll go get my husband. Where are we going?”

“My dad said something about the basement.”

“Okay, you two go get your mother and we will meet you down there.”

“Are you sure?” Pilote asked, “Because we can wait.”

“I’m sure,” she replied, “Go find Rolla’s mother.”

“Okay,” Pilote smiled, “We’ll meet you there.”

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