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"Don't worry, I'll never stoop that low. I don't bully. I just wanted to remind how low you are stooping." Wu Qian added, staring at her nails as if she was talking to herself.

WeiAi scoffed before speaking up, "Quit the act of being nice, i know you very well. 'You don't bully.' But you surely do have ways with your words that gets right into people's heart."

"Oh really? I'm glad I touched your heart! Let's have a date another time WeiAi! Bye!" Wu Qian quickly said as she glanced at something behind WeiAi.

"What the hell-"

"Also, it would be really horrible for Chengcheng to cope with the fact that his 'best friend' his doing a background check on him, researching whether he has any girlfriends or not, or even he had any before. Right? So I would really want that small mouth of yours to keep shut about our meeting here, okay?"

"Why would I go around telling people you pushed me into a cubicle to talk?"

"Oh my god, WeiAi, you sound so gay!"

"I didn't know you were homophobic."

Blossomed Petals ; Fan Chengcheng Where stories live. Discover now