Chapter 12

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Your pov

My head was pounding as I sat up it was bright in the room. I looked around to see I was back in my bedroom in the basement. Odd last thing I remember was the woods...

The monster...



I jumped out of bed grabbing fresh clothing also noticing my mask was sitting on my nightstand. I grabbed it slipping it on then headed upstairs someone had served the stew I cooked, the mess was laying on the counter. It was possibly one of the proxy's or slender. I took about five minutes and cleaned most of it. There where stains on the ceiling, but nothing a can of dark paint couldn't fix. After heading upstairs I knocked on the familiar hole filled door.

no answer...

What if something bad happened what if he didn't come back. He was a creepypasta they never die.

I knocked a second time, still nothing. I cracked open the door and stepped into the dark, room. Jeff lay on his bed sleep or what I assumed to be asleep. He was breathing lightly. His shoulder, chest, and leg were wrapped up in gauze bandage. I blushed to see as Jeff wasn't wearing anything except tight black boxers. His gauze needed to be changed it had completely bled through. I walked over and gently put my hand on his shoulder. Jeff's body bolted up and he grabbed my wrist tightly. I squeaked, when his eyes focused on me he released his grasp.

"It's you, why didn't you knock," he asked me. Clearing my throat relied on him.

"I did." although my answer was very quiet and my voice scratchy. it hurt to talk. I hadn't done it in a very long time. "I need ... to ... to change your ... bandages."

"Fine," he nodded laying himself back down grunting at the pain. With a pair of scissors, I cut off the old bandages. His wounds were close to healed, but still a little bloody. After wrapping him up I handed him clean mended cloths.

"Remind me to never take you with me again." He chuckled.

"Can I see your face?" he questioned I shrugged and lifted the hood off my head. I held it close to me as he tilted my head back to examine the slice. His fingers were cold on my chin.

"It's quite red it could be infected, but nothing keeping it clean can't fix." he sighed and let my chin go.

"So why did you start talking?" Jeff asked me.

"I don't... I don't know...I thought .....I had to warn you," I took a breath. It hurt so much to talk. "It seemed important..... now I don't need to. I should stop....... I don't want to slip up." I said ringing my mask, "I don't need ...... more trouble." I turned and started to put my mask back on.

"Don't" Jeff said, "I like it off."

"I don't think... I don't have permission... permission from slender" I told him as I slipped the hood back off.

"Then he can answer to me," with that we left his room.

Worthless - Jeff the killer x fem readerWhere stories live. Discover now