"Simple you die", I said walking towards him. He looked at me and gave me a creepy smile. Swiftly changing his gun's direction, he pointed towards me.

Hunter and Damon's eyes widened, they both look at me in warning as to tell me not to provoke him.

"Oh you really don't want to do this", I taunted.

I kept walking towards him, ignoring the gun being pointed in my direction, when I stood in front of him, the gun pressed against my chest.

Damon and Hunter lifted their guns higher, ready to shoot his brains out, I gave them a slight shake of my head and they immediately lowered their guns down.

Jax looked back towards them and smirked, and looked back at me lifting the gun higher so it was pointing straight to my head.

"Make one wrong move, and your boss is dead", he threatened. I smirked but quickly turned my expression stoic, so he couldn't see the plans running through my head.

I quickly darted my left leg out, kicking him on both of his legs, he came tumbling to the ground and the gun dropped to the far left corner out of his reach.

"You really shouldn't threaten me, because I taught you how to fight", I hissed in his ear.

His whole body shakes in fear, but he doesn't turn his head around.

I take my gun out of my waistband, and point to his head, he turns in my direction.

"You won't be able to get away with this", he hisses.

"I already have", I chuckle humorously.

I turn my head towards Damon and Hunter and they both look at me with stoic expressions.

"Get the car ready", I instruct.

Hunter walks off quickly to start the car, and Damon comes to my side to assist me.

"What we do with him?", he questions.

I look at him "We're going to the warehouse".

Hunter nods his head, takes away Jax from my hands, and drags him towards the exit with him shouting profanities.

I turn towards the crowd and sigh. "Go back to what you were doing".

With that being said, I turn to leave. Once I am outside I see the car waiting, I walk towards it, and open the door, I step inside and close the door.

As soon as the door is closed, Hunter starts driving. It takes about fifteen minutes to get to the warehouse. Once we're parked we all step inside with Jax who's hands are tied.

We step inside the warehouse, Damon starts to walk off with Jax towards a chair that sitting in the middle. Jax as expected tries to put up a fight, but Damon is quick to strap him to the chair.

He glares at me as I start to walk towards him with a blank expression. I stop just inches away, leaning down, I rip away the tape that's on his mouth, and he hisses out in pain.

"Tell me why you did this", I demand him.

Jax shakes his head, and keeps his mouth shut. I growl at him, and pull out my knife from my pocket.

I don't give him a chance to scream as I stab the knife repeatedly into his right leg. He finally lets out a scream and starts to thrash around.

"Now are you ready to talk?", I question.

He still keeps his mouth shut, I move on to his left leg, and stab it continuously as he keeps writhing in pain.

"Come on talk, and it'll all be over", I say to him.

He looks up at me in the eyes with sweat trailing down his forehead. "Y-you won't kill me, after I tell you right?", he asks.

Keeping my smirk at bay, I give him a slight nod, little does he know that once he spills the beans he won't live to see another light.

"I-It's your worst enemy who commanded me to do his", he stuttered out.

"Who?", I asked. I had many enemies, so I didn't know which one to pin point.

"That's all the answer you're getting", he says.

I narrow my eyes at him before turning towards Hunter and Damon.

Hunter sighs "what do we do with him?" 

"Simple, we shoot his fucking brains out", I smirk.

Turning towards Jax, I lift my gun, pointing at his head, I shoot before he was the chance to do anything.

I swivel around "clean the mess up".

Both of them nod and starts to clean the mess as I turn and walk towards the exit.

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