Deanna POV-

"I am so proud of you Dig." I had got Diggy a custom cake to celebrate his win, and the fact that he was stand out player in the game. I also had balloons and a banner made.

Every media outlet was reporting on him. Amazed at how this rookie overcame the odds.

I wanted to make sure he felt celebrated and uplifted.

"Wow. Just wow." Shep sat on a stool looking at the cake. "Cake. Balloons. Banner. This lil nigga get the whole sha-bang."

"Don't be salty baby. I got you a cake too." I got a strawberry lemonade cupcake out the fridge and put it in front of him.

Diggy laughed. I tried to whole my laughter in.

He stale faced me. "This funny huh?"

"No." I laughed.

"How about you and your "son" get yo out my house." He said salty.

"How about no." I put some frosting on his nose and kissed him.

Diggy was on the tv screen. They were playing recaps of post-game interviews.

I turned the tv up.

How does it feel for you to be a rookie in the league yet putting up numbers like Jerry Rice and Odell Beckham did their first year?

It's a blessing man. I had two angels in Shep, and his lady Deanna whose a trainer on our staff. They've been like my godparents. They are my family because I have none.  And I put in a lot of hardwork and just left the rest up to God.

What would you say to any other kid out there who feels like their disabilities are holding them back?

Uh... I guess I would say its only an obstacle if you make it. You can overcome anything to be who you wanna be. 

Well there you have it folks Diggy Simmons the Toyota player of the week.

"Aw don't cry Anna." He laughed and hugged me. "I'm grateful for y'all"

"I really do feel like a proud mommy." I wiped my eyes.

Shep rolled his eyes, then started eating some of the cupcake.

"Stop hating." I hit him.

"Nah Dig I'm proud of you." Shep said.

"Thanks Shep. Couldn't have done it without you."

"I know. Which is why I'mma send you a 500 thousand dollar bill, for my time, my energy, my food you been chomping on. These balloons. That banner. And this cake. Cause you know Deanna used my money to buy that shit. And yes an inconvenience fee for no flowers." Shep said eating the cupcake.

"Yeah. Yeah. Love you too Shep." Diggy laughed going upstairs to his room.

"I'm serious." Shep yelled.

I shook my head at his foolishness and went to stand between Shep's legs. I grabbed both his hands.

"What?" He said with his mouth full of cupcake. He chewed until it was gone.

"You're amazing baby." I moved his hands back and forth, looking at him.

"Ha. Tell me something I don't know."

"You know what?" I said.

He smirked.

"And I had my doubts before. But I think you'll make an amazing father."

"Doubts?" He scrunched.

"Shep you weren't always this mature."

"Neither was O but he got three. And they alright. Well except K-Man that boy got problems."

I laughed. "Leave Kenyon alone. He's just a growing boy."

"Yeah, aight." Shep said.

There was a bit of silence.

"I think you'll make a beautiful mother." Shep said sincerely.


"No." He cracked up.

I hit him and walked away but he grabbed me close.

"I'm joking." He held me from behind into his body. He tried to kiss my cheek but I pulled away pouting.

"Girl you gon get this suga." He left a big juicy kiss on my cheek.

"Shep. Ugh." I semi said loud.

He chuckled. Then it got quiet again.

"Nah I think you will. And I hope I can give you that gift again. Only this time, we see it grow up." He sighed.

"Yeah me too. Me too."


Listen y'all this weekend I did a marathon of The Chi and Grownish. And y'all just wasn't gon tell me how fine Jacob Latimore and Trevor Jackson grew up to be. I never paid them any attention because they were younger than me. But after this weekend baby, if they need a Suga Mama I'm available. Here I am thinking I need a older man when these young hot wangs got the juice. Chile ...


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