Chapter Three: Frigging Gummy Bears And All Their Mayhem

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Chapter Three: Frigging Gummy Bears And All Their Mayhem

“It is not possible for any person on Earth to hate eating gummy bears, Savannah.”

“It is possible since I exist.”

“Then maybe you aren’t human!”

Evan had then taken a cautious step away from me and took the new found distance as an opportunity to eye me skeptically as if he was actually considering his insane theory.

I had barely restrained myself from slapping him hard on the chest to at least knock some sense back into that frustrating brain of his. How that brain even functioned was beyond mysterious to me.

I huffed in frustration before retorting, “You are so lame, Landerwood.”

“Why don’t you like gummy bears, Miller?”

He was glaring at me with annoyance evident in his features and I had to stifle my laughter at his appearance. He was getting so worked up over gummy bears!

Frigging gummy bears and all their mayhem!

“I just don’t. I feel brutal! And sadistic. It’s as if I’m massacring a bear by biting into those poor gummy bears! Besides, I hate the gooey thing sticking to my teeth.”

Pure silence.

Then, he doubled over in laughter at me.

I just rolled my eyes at him before leaving him clutching his tummy as he leaned against his locker, earning himself a few creeped out stares from other people in the hallway. It wasn’t even that funny! I think it’s his new hobby to annoy me non-stop and laugh at every stupid thing I say or do.

Huffing in annoyance, I decided to head on towards the library to finish a book report we were assigned to do for English so I wouldn’t have anything else to worry about during the weekend, silently wishing he wouldn’t follow me.

But, of course, he wouldn’t leave me alone. The fates must have serious grudges against me to make my life this miserable.

“Do you eat those Easter bunnies made out of chocolate?”

“What does that have to do with gummy bears?” I snapped at him. This conversation was really getting tiresome.

“Just answer the question.”

Crossing my arms, I directed a very threatening glare at him. Or, I hoped it at least looked the slightest bit scary, “And what if I don’t answer your stupid question?”

“I’ll pester you all day about this” he fired back with an amused grin on his oh so perfect face.

I sighed before muttering a wary yes and tried to focus on something else - anything else would do.

He threw his hands up in the air and went on and on about what the apparent indifference between eating gummy bears and chocolate bunnies were. Even when we reached the library and had gone inside, he still went on and on about it in a slightly hushed tone and I did my best to block him out by focusing on looking for the book I needed.

Skimming the shelves lined up with various classical novels, my thoughts were farther lingering onto a different matter altogether, specifically another person; Caleb.

The week had passed by without any sort of misfortunes on my part and I was definitely relieved but I still haven’t seen Caleb around school and it really bothered me. It was so unlike him to even miss out on school despite his obvious distaste for anything related to education.

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