Chapter Six

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I spent a few more days in the hospital. The doctors poked and prodded. I was ready to go where I was going.

Four days later then I saw Michelle. She smiled when she walked in.

" Are you ready to get outta here?" She smiled.

" I'm finally leaving?"

She smiled and nodded. I was finally leaving.

"I'll be waiting in the waiting room. While you get dressed." Michelle turned to walk out.

The nurse came in and unlocked my stuff. She handed me a white bag with my name printed on it.

"Thanks" I said softly.

The nurse smiled and turned to leave the room. When I heard the door click I open the bag. Inside were I wore just seven.nights ago. The night rushed back to me all at.once replaying in my mind so vividly. I dropped to my knees. And I remebered those words my father had said 'look what you've made me do!' The words repeating over and over in my head like a broken record.

This was my fault he was right my family was gone because of me. I deserved this. To be alo.e with no one to hold or love me.

I didn't deserve to have the name Ozella. Ozella was a innicent child. And I was a dirty filthy rag. I decided I didn't deserve a name... except one....Jezebel. ( A.N. jezebel is a Bible reference.)

Tears kept streaming down my face.

I grabbed my clothing out of the bag and put them on. Then slipped my converse on and look at the mirror on the door. I look empty. I held my emotions in and now I'm crashing down.

I give myself a once over and notice something in the pocket of my jeans. I reached in and pulled out my shining pocket knife.

A smile slid across my fave as I pulled th blade out. I took of my jacket and looked at my left arm. It was puffy and pink. Almost healed.

I brought the blade to my skin and pressed it to my skin a dragged. A thin line off read beads started to form. A sudden wave of releif fell over me.

It was almost pleasuring. The. Eads stopped growing. I didn't add enough force like before. I grabbed some klenex and wiped my blade clean before I slipped it back into my pocket.

Then pressed the klenex to my wrist before throwing them away.

I stared at my arm. The two ines made a cross. I laughed under my breath.

I slid my jacket back on.

And put my mask on and opened the door and walked towards the waiting room.

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