Chapter Five

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I woke up from disturbing dreams from the night before. I looked at the clock. It was 10 A.M. I groaned and flipped over to try to go back to sleep.

Something crossed my mind as I was drifting off. It.woke me up quick. I didn't have time to ponder it on my own when a doctor walked in.

"How are you feeling Ozella?"

"Horrible... but I'll manage"

"Ok well there is a social worker and psychiatrist who would like to speak to you. Is that alright?" The doctor smiled.

I thought for a minute. I didn't really wa t to talk to a crazy doctor and a I'm going to pretend like I care person. I didn't say what was on my mind though. "Sure."

He smiled and walked out said somthing to the two in the hall and then his heels clicked down the hall. Soon after a woman dressed in a pant suit and a man with a white coat over his clothing walked in smiling.

The female one spoke up first. "Hi my name is Michelle and this is Dr. Garcia. We want to ask you some question about last night then talk about your options after recovery." They both smiled to widely and sat down.

I adjusted my self on the bed and nodded.

Michelle asked Dr. Garcia if she would like to take notes first and she agreed.

"Well Ozella how are you feeling today?"

"Lots of pain." I said emotionless.

"Alright...." Michelle puased and Garcia started to wirte as I answered. "...what emotions are you feeling."

I watched her tilt her head. Then I looked down at my gash on my arm and dicided we weren't gonna talk about my 'feelings'.


Michelle nodded. "Okay. So are you ok to talk about last night."

I nodded

"You witnessed your father murder your mother correct?"

"Yes" I whispered

"Do you know what happened to your arm?"

I had a pretty good idea but I had to lie.

" I can't remember. "

Michelle smiled "Alright.... we couldn't contact any of your family so we are going to have to place you in foster care. We already have a home placement for you. As soon as your healed we will retrieve your possesions. Do you have any questions?"

O had heard about foster homes. I wasn't scared. I dealt with my dad for 16 years I would be fine. "No questions." I smiled weakly.

Michelle nodded. Apparently she had no more questions. She toom to notepad from Dr. Garcia. This is great now I have listen to this doctor yap.

"Michelle already introduced me so I'll make this quick.... have you heard of PTSD?"

"Yes. Post Traumatic Stress Disorder."

"Good. Well we believe may have ptsd. Due to your reaction and emotions post incedent. So we are going to put you on some medications that should help you presently and in the long run. Alright?"

" ok I understand. So i'll be taking something in addition to my anti-depressants?"

"Yes. We are going to start you right away."

I nodded

"Michelle and I had a pmeasure talking to you." Dr. Garcia left the room with the notes Michelle handed her.

Michelle packed up her stuff and smiled. "I will be seeing you soon Ozella. Get well soon! And if you remember what happened to your arm here is my card." She handed me her card and left the room.

Finally I was alone. I knew what had happened to my arm. I had remembered right before they showed up. Right after I was taken to the hospital I ran to the restroom and threw up then took out my pocket knife that I picked up at the last second and dug it deep into my skin. When I went togo wait in the waiting room no one noticed. I guess they just assumed it had happened during the 'incident'.

But now they were getting suspicious.

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