[ debut arc - two ]

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project imagine



q: imagine how the members would treat Haeran after they found that she was number eight

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q: imagine how the members would treat Haeran after they found that she was number eight


For days, she experienced multiple sleepless nights. Every night was spent with extra practice and hour-long walks back to the dorms.

Mind you, it's a dorm, not a home. It doesn't feel like home, anyway.

She'd like to spend more time in the dorms with the others. She'd like that, really, but...

"Haeran-ssi, you're struggling with the moves. Do you need help?"

She closed her eyes as she breathed out a sigh, "I guess I do. I'll try to perfect it the best I can."

"Don't say try, say you'll do it instead," he told her, offering the female a gentle smile.

Haeran opened her mouth to say something, but someone else cut her off, heaving something of his own to voice out.

"Why are you even helping her out, hyung? It'll only go to waste, there's no point in giving her advice."

Her gaze went off her reflection in the mirror, shifting it towards the male in the mirror.

This was why she couldn't spend all day in the dorms. One of the reasons, anyway.

The older male replied, "Must there be a reason to help out one of our members? She may be new, but she's one of us now. So when she's having difficulties, I'll help her out."

Haeran's lips curved on its edges.

The younger male only huffed.

"Hoseok hyung, if you're willing to help her, would you help me with something too?"

"Sure, what do you need help with?"


"Get the hell away from that piece of nothing."

Silence erupted throughout the room

"Jimin-ah," Hoseok spoke. "You shouldn't say that, she's part of--"

"Do you honestly think that I care about that?!" the younger mall burst out in anger. He couldn't see why Hoseok was willing to accept her.

Jimin continued, "I don't understand how you can't get this straight. The girl is not one of us, and she never will be!"

He pointed his (small) index finger directly at Haeran, his temper already way out of control at this point. "You. I refuse to accept you. You're nothing more but a talent-less publicity stunt thrown in here by the company. You'll never truly be a member."


That was it. She tolerated enough shit.

Haeran stood firm as she turned to make eye contact with the sneering monkey.

"Honestly, look at how filthy your mouth is, with all those lies spewing out of there. Jimin-ssi, you should be taking better care of your potty mouth, I suggest you can start by getting the hell out of here," she threw the male a glare, showing him to the door.

Jimin froze for a moment, not being able to believe that she dared to talk back to him.

She wasn't like what he had imagined her to be.

He turned to Hoseok, but all his hyung did was to nod towards the door. He wasn't taking his side this time around.

Huffing in annoyance, Jimin stormed out, not wanting to stay any longer in there, slamming the door behind as he left.

Once she was sure that he was out of sight, she collapsed onto the ground, her feet no longer able to support her weight for the time being. As soon as Haeran went down, Hoseok bent down next to her, to comfort her if it were needed.

"Hoseok-ssi, I don't understand. Do they hate me that much?" she spoke softly.

Hoseok thought about it. "Hate is a strong word, don't you think? Rather than hate, I think a few of them just despise you."

She gave him a deadpan expression, "What's the difference? They're of the same meaning, aren't they?"

"Hey, I'm trying to soften the blow, at least thank me for that!"

She chuckled, giving her senior a pat on the head. "Thank you, sunshine child."

"And to you, fall child."

"That's unfair, are you cursing me to fall?"

"Sure, if that's how you define it."

Both laughed.

Hoseok smiled as he held onto Haeran. "But seriously Haeran, the boys really don't hate you. They're only like this as the decision of you joining the group was so sudden and done without our approval. Once they get used to you, they'll change. You'll see."


"I promise, fall child."

Haeran smiled. Hoseok was her first friend in the group, he had no problems with her being added into the group out of nowhere, so when he began to talk to her, she couldn't be any happier.

She got back up on her feet, hoisting her senior up afterwards. "It's almost midnight, we should better be heading back to the dorms."

Nodding, Hoseok took her hand into his, then running out of the building and back home, pulling her out alongside him as well.

'Hopefully, the members would approve of me soon, and the fans too..'


[ W O R D    C O U N T ]

795 words


[ N O T E S ]

Haeran's Debut Arc would probably take about 7-8 chapters to complete, so please be patient as i rush to write and type all of the Debut Arc chapters out :)

after HDA is complete, i will start writing requests. so until then, you may leave small requests in this book, but i probably won't reply until the arc is complete

the next chapter will feature a little alien, guess who ;)

R U N 운영 - BTS 8thMember ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now