But it was nice, she admitted to herself, to walk through the bustling city, in the midst of Christmas preparations. Every door had wreaths, and every lamppost had lights wrapped around it. Tinsel was strung up between doorways, and every cafe had started putting out gingerbread flavoured treats. Mobs of people crowded around shops, trying to finish up some last minute gift shopping, while others were waving for a taxi, trying to find their way back home.

But everyone had smiles on their faces. Everyone was getting into the Christmas spirit, and everyone was looking forward to spending it with their friends and family.

Including her.

Azura turned her face up towards the beautiful six-sided crystals falling gently from the sky. She stuck her tongue out, trying to catch one of the snowflakes on it. The sun had already set, and the town was especially gorgeous in the night, illuminated by city lights and moonshine.

And that's when she heard that very familiar voice. Her heart stuttered for a second like it always did when he was around.

She turned around and spotted Jordan who, strangely enough, was talking to her brother. Her brows furrowed, and she wondered what they could be talking about. Puzzled, she walked towards them, trying to make out snippets of their conversation. They were too far away to be fully audible, but Azura didn't want them to see her 'spying' in them.

"Don't know... Stubborn... What do I... She's so... But... " Azura tried to piece together the seemingly random collection of words Xandar was saying, but drew a blank. Jordan said something in reply, but it was much too soft to actually hear. Azura tried to blow her bangs out of her face as she scoffed in irritation.

She blinked.

And then blushed, and fully realised what she was doing.

"I have more dignity than this," she huffed to herself. However low she was willing to sink, spying on her friends was where she drew the line. Whatever secrets they were sharing, it was between them. So making herself fully known, she approached them, shifting all her bags to one hand and poising the other on her waist.

"Hey guys. What are you doing here?" she asked, raising an eyebrow.

The boys seemed to freeze for a second, but Jordan recovered soon enough. Upon closer inspection, Azura could have sworn she saw a faint blush on both of their cheeks.

"Nothing much," Jordan answered, waving the question off with a quick flick of his hand. "But I could ask the same of you."

"Oh. Just finishing off a little Christmas shopping," she replied, raising her bags in answer. She silently noted how Xander said nothing throughout the whole exchange. He just stood there with his arms behind his back nervously glancing from one side to the other.

"Hey, Azura, I think I'm gonna go home now. Coming?" He seemed pretty eager to get away. She figured she might as well save him from the awkwardness.

"Oh, no, I don't think so. But can you take these bags with you and leave them in my room? I don't want to have to lug them around everywhere." She held all the bags out to him, and glared a little.

He groaned. "Fine." Taking all her stuff, he walked away with noticeable spring in his step. Once he was out of earshot, Azura turned to Jordan.

"You're wearing my scarf." She observed, rubbing the soft material on her palm.

"Yeah. Figured Christmas Eve was a good enough occasion."

Azura smiled. She realised that she had probably done more smiling in the past week than she had in the whole month before. And there really was only one person to blame for it.

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