1: entrance to hell

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JImin looks up at the stone brick school, taking in a deep breath before taking another step towards the double doors.
another day in this hellhole, Is all he can think about.
Soon enough he is accompanied by none other than his best friend, Taehyung. The loud laughter is enough of an indicator that it is in fact Taehyung. JImin turns around to greet his friend plucking one headphone out of ear so hear what ever exciting story he has to tell him.
"Hi Jim,"
"God Taehyung, I told you not to call me that,"
Taehyung has been calling JImin Jim since two weeks ago because in his words "It's what best friends do!" Although JImin acts like he loathes the nickname he's happy for once someone is calling him by a good name.
"Jim, you will NOT believe what happened this morning!" Taehyung states with enthusiasm.
You see, Taehyung has this way of making the most boring things ever into what would seem like a life altering experience. It's happened so often that Jimin doesn't even get hyped up when he says anything like that anymore. There was this one time where Taehyung got JImin all excited because he had found something crazy in his backyard, when it turns out all it was had been a worm.
Jimin simply rolled his eyes in response.
"I'm sure you had quite the morning, Taehyung," Jimin flatly said whilst approaching the doors and holding it open for Taehyung who kept speaking as he walked through them.
They talked all about Taehyung's incredible morning where he forgot one egg in the pancake recipe and had a mental breakdown over it, until they got to JImin's first period class. Jimin did a weak wave to Taehyung when he entered through the door. He quickly walked to his spot and sat down, placing his backpack to the side of desk before unzipping it and getting his supplies.
He noticed another student talking to the teacher up front who he didn't recognize. Every once in a while the student would nod at what the teacher was saying, which made JImin assume he was new. The teacher pointed to the empty desk next to JImin and the student nodded before making his way over.
Jimin just continued listening to his music enjoying his last few moments of peace before he had to listen to his teacher ramble about Moby Dick.
       Soon enough the bell rang for lunch and Jimin got up to meet Tae on the roof. When he got up to the roof Taehyung was nowhere to be found. Jimin decided he better look for him after ten minutes of waiting.
           Jimin was scanning the halls for a tall alien when he heard a slam. Jimin snapped his head towards the origin of the sound, only to find to his horror that it was Taehyung being slammed against the locker by the school's bad boy, Jeon Jungkook.
           Jimin ran up to Taehyung pushing Jungkook out of the way. He scanned the y'all boy's sharp features looking for any signs of injury. There were bruises littered across his body and he has a black eye.
"Tae lets take you to the infirmary," Jimin spoke softly lending a hand to help him up.
            As they were walking to the nurse Jimin could feel Jungkook's eyes boring a hole into the back of his head. Jimin simply brushed it off and kept assisting Tae.
Oh he was going to regret pushing Jungkook...

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