The Face of a Familiar

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Get ready to mix things up ;)

A long journey, over the course of three months, has led the men of Gondor to the elegant city of Rivendell; home of the elves. The men have bonded over this time, and have come to trust the other enough to call him 'companion', mute or no. They have fought together, and traveled far.
And yet, for all of this time, we have seen these events take place through the eyes of Gondor's finest; Boromir, son of the Steward of Gondor.

But now, readers dear, I think its time we view things in a different light. A different perspective.

Don't you?

Wouldn't you like to hear the tale told from both sides? To see what we cannot from one person's eyes alone?

Now, I believe, it is time we look through the eyes of another, and listen to their thoughts.

The view of the Soldier is yet to be had, after all.....

The door closed with a slight bang, and the footsteps outside the room began to recede, leaving the soldier quite alone in his new, temporary champers.
A sigh escaped the soldier's lips when he was certain his captain had walked far out of earshot.

He threw his blade back onto the bed by his sheath, ignoring it for now.
Looking around the room, he took a seat on the edge of the bed before a mirror that hung on the wall.
Blue grey eyes stared back at him through the visor of his helm, sad and distant.

He's right. It's too hot under all this rubbish.

The soldier scoffed to himself silently.

With gloved hands he reached up for his helm and remove it slowly from his head. Auburn hair spilled free down in waves to his shoulders, and a stubbled face in need of a trimming stared back at him through the clear glass. His thin lips frowned back at him as his mind whirled with the many thoughts that plagued him on a daily basis.

"Why? What have I gotten myself into?" He whispered to himself.

"You will not fail me."

"I shall not, my lord."

"You had better not, Soldier."

He squeezed his eyes shut and shook his head, ignoring those plaguing thoughts.

"What will he do when he finds out? What will Boromir do, when he sees the face of his brother by his side all this way away from Osgiliath?" He continued to mummer to his reflection in the mirror.

"Oh, but he mustn't know. Not yet. Not until my task is complete. And not until I have fulfilled the task given to me. For he, I shall do anything for."

Faramir turned his gaze away from the mirror, and instead stood and made his way to a window carved elegantly into the wall opposite him. He peered out to the luscious grounds below, basked in sunlight pouring down from the trees's heavenly leaves high above him. Truly, this was the most beautiful place he had ever been.

For a moment, just a moment, he let his worries melt away, and even allowed a small smile to form across his face at the birdsong filling his chambers.

Turning his eyes to a worn path down below, his heart skipped a few beats as he shoved himself away from the window suddenly. Boromir was striding by, making his way slowly down to the gardens as he scanned his surroundings in awe.

With a relieved sigh Faramir sat back onto the soft bed behind him. He hadn't been seen.

"One day, he will understand why I have done what I have. And one day still, he will forgive me."

Now, readers dear, with this stunning revelation we move forward in this tale to the events that were to take place later that day

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Now, readers dear, with this stunning revelation we move forward in this tale to the events that were to take place later that day.

But first, how about a moment to simply marvel over this news we have received?
Faramir, brother of Boromir, has snuck along on this perilous journey as a soldier shielded and guarded from sight.
Perhaps not his smartest of plans, I think we can all agree.

What was his motive(s)?
Why is he doing this?
What is he keeping from us?
And why is Boromir ignorant to such blatantly obvious facts regarding the soldier?

Ahh, but enough musing for now, I think.

The Council of Elrond, is about to begin....

The Council of Elrond, is about to begin

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Waddya think? Any good? Were you surprised???
I must admit, this was very easily seen coming. Since the beginning of this tale, I think.
But since my original plot wasn't going to work, I changed paths and brought to you THIS brilliant chapter ^~^

How are you all? How's life treating you? Getting any sleep? xD
A good morning/afternoon/evening/night to you all, and I sincerely hope you enjoy!!

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