Parting ways

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Having stormed away from his father a good while ago, Boromir now stood hunched over on the pebble strew ground as he adjusted the stirrups on his horse's saddle for his departure.
The scowl on his face slowly slipped away when he heard someone approaching him from behind. He turned to find a man slightly shorter than himself with barely anything visible of himself behind all his armor.
All that was (partially) visible to Boromir were the soldier's eyes.

"Yes, soldier?" Boromir asked curtly.

The soldier did not speak, nor did he give any sign of acknowledgment towards the question, and Boromir noticed his movements were stiff and shaky, as though he were nervous or unsure of his actions. Then, another man, clad in slightly less armor than the first, came forward.

"Sir, I was instructed to inform you by order of the Steward himself, that this soldier here-"  Here the man gestured to the first soldier.
"-Is to accompany you on your journey to Rivendell. And beyond, should you choose to go farther, to act as your guard from any and all harm."

Boromir was silent a moment, taking in the man's words and the shaky soldier before him with judging eyes. With a sigh, he nodded.
"Alright. Get him a steed."

The man turned to go, but Boromir called out to him.
"Have you seen my brother, Faramir? I wish to speak my farewell to him." Boromir spoke sadly.

"I am sorry to inform you I do not know where he is currently. The last I saw of him was when the men were celebrating in what was once the court yard, and you were speaking with him-"
The man was cut off by a yet a new voice.

"Now now Boromir, you mustn't worry about your younger brother."
From round the corner appeared Steward Denthor, his face grim.

"I sent him on an errand. One he would do best to see through till the end."
He barked, and Borimir raised his brows in surprise at his father's outburst, and the jittery soldier behind him flinched violently.

Father sure can strike fear in those around him with his tone.
Boromir scoffed silently to himself.

"You will have to leave soon." Denthor's drawling voice snapped Boromir from his thoughts.

He nodded solemnly, his lips pressed in a tight line and his eyes downcast.
"But can I not, at least, go to him one last time? Surely you cannot deprive me of something so meaningful to my heart?" Boromir begged his father.

"I am sorry Boromir, but you MUST make hast, less you risk missing the council! You must depart now, my son. I bid you good omens for your travels, and speed and luck to be on your side." Denthor smiled sadly at Boromir, who only nodded with a defeated sigh.

"Then at least, in my stead, tell Faramir I bid him goodbye. Tell him to keep up hope, and to remember this day always," he spoke over his shoulder as he mounted his steed.

"Yes yes of course. Now, off with you! Represent our kingdom at the council, and let your voice be heard when it comes time to make a decision for the fate of the ring!" Denthor cried with a grin on his wrinkled face.
Something not many wished to see.

Boromir nodded, and with a signaling gesture towards the soldier, he began to lead them out of the city and to the plains beyond. A cry from the Steward brought both Boromir and the soldier to turn in their saddles to look back at him one last time.

"I am proud of you Boromir. I always have been."

Boromir's eyes stayed locked on his father's face as he thought. Choosing his words carefully, he replied.
"What you should have been all this time is proud of your youngest son, who looks up to you to please you. Goodbye father. Look for my return before the changing of of the four seasons."

And with these final words, Boromir turned back to face the wide open land before him and spurred his horse into a canter, making hast for the road that would eventually take him to Rivendell, leaving the soldier to hastily spur his own steed to catch up. With a nervous glance back at Osgiliath, the soldier sighed and caught up with a Boromir, never speaking a word...

 With a nervous glance back at Osgiliath, the soldier sighed and caught up with a Boromir, never speaking a word

¡Ay! Esta imagen no sigue nuestras pautas de contenido. Para continuar la publicación, intente quitarla o subir otra.

Short chapters for now, but that'll change later ;)
I hope you enjoyed it nonetheless!

I'm gonna pull a Rachel here ( xD ) and ask what your thoughts are on this fic? Its pretty original and bland so far, but trust me, this book's gonna get better!
Anyways, please be sure to tell me what you think of it and vote if you liked it!!

(799 words)


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