Chapter 7: "You Lied To Us."

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We all sat there trying to figure out what we should do. "It is already 7:00 in the morning and some places should be opening up about now," Lyn-Z said looking at her watch. We then heard someone mumbling about why they shouldn't serve any breakfast at Jack In The Box.  We peeked out of the tent and saw a partial acne covered face of a teenage girl in a Jack In The Box outfit setting signs up that says that now they serve breakfast. We all ran to her and our weird conversation started like this. (By the way, I am just going to call her Britney)

B: What do you kids want?

Me: Hi, my name is Rose Graves and we are the children that were in Innocent Orphanage until it burned down. Do you think you can help us get some food? 

B: Where do you guys live now?

L: We live over there in those tents. (pointing to the tents, ovi)

B: Let me talk to my boss. I might be able to, how much kids are there?

Then, Mia motioned the rest of the kids to come out of the tents and scramble over to us. Once all of the kids got here, Britney stood there in shock. 

B: I thought since there are only 25 tents, that there were only 25-30 kids! I don't think we can serve that many kids!

We all looked at her with our sad puppy-dog eyes and even one kid, Allison cried! She bit her lip and said, "Fine, I will go talk to my boss." She said walking away. Once she was gone, we all celebrated! She came back and said that we can eat here for free for breakfast, lunch, and dinner! The whole Jack In The Box was filled with all of us. We went back to our tents and I realized that I had left my necklace in there. I went back and it wasn't there. I asked Britney if they had seen my bracelet on the table. She said, "No" and she asked the janitor if she had seen anything. The janitor walked out and it was Jessica?! My older sister, Jessica?! Like, am I high on syrup? Or is that really her? We made sudden eye contact and I turned to go out the door when I felt a tug on my hair. Jessica had grabbed my hair to stop me.

J: What are you doing here?! 

Me: Leaving! 

Then I slapped her hand to make her let go of my hair and bolted out of there. I quickly made it into the tent and then I saw her looking out the window and banging on it. It zipped up and turned to Mia, Lyn-Z, and others. 

M: What was that about?

Me: I saw my sister.

L: I thought you said you never had any siblings.

Me: Well, I-I um.....

L: You lied to us didn't you?

Me: Not the first time I ever heard those words.

M: You said that your mom abandoned you when you were little. That you never grew up with any siblings and that you were an only child.

Me: I kind of ran away from home, and ended up here. 

L: I thought that we were both abandoned and I had that special connection with you and that we were like sisters. A sister that we both never had. But I guess you already had a special sister.

Lyn-Z and Mia wouldn't look at me and ordered me to leave. I may have gotten upset and yelled and said JUST A FEW curse words. "Me? To leave? Oh, that's BullSh*t. I was the one who came up with the idea to use the tents and I was the one to get rid of that creepy-*ss man in the middle of the night and that all probably gotten worse if I wasn't there. So don't tell me to F*cking leave, b*tchs. So, since this is my tent, get the F*ck out of here. *sswh*les." Once they got out, I packed up all of my things and put them in my bag. I tried not to cry and walked away to the Jack In The Box. I walked in and Jessica was sitting a table and taking selfies. 

J: What are you doing here?

Me: I ran away from home and ended up at Aunt Joel's house, then the street, next at the Innocent Orphanage, then back to the street, and nowhere!

J: Mom has been worried sick and she even called the police!

Me: Well, the police found me the first time on the street and sent me to the Orphanage and not home!

J: I need to call mom and she has been devastated and she even wanted to kill herself by drinking 24/7 and smoking like there is no tomorrow.

Me: Please don't call mom, can I just surprise her when we get home?

J: Fine, let's go then. But first, I have to clock out. 

We got on the road and it took about 15 minutes to get home. When I walked in the door, there were pictures that were torn down, the house was a mess, and I heard crying in the back. I went to the back and saw mom crying, on the floor, in front of a manual of pictures and pictures of me. "Mom?" I said and she turned around and she ran and grabbed me and hugged me to death.

M: Baby, oh where have you been!? I was worried sick! I called aunt Joel and she said you weren't there!

Me: I ran away! 

M: Why? 

Me: Because of all the BullSh*t that happens at school gets to me and I can't take it anymore! Why do you think I cut myself?! It is the only way that I can get my pain out!

M: Oh baby, you know you can just talk to me and I will be here for you.

Me: You will be here for me? Last time I tried to talk to you, you just ignored me and so does Jessica! SO what is the point of talking to anybody when the won't even listen to me!?

Mom hugged me some more and we both broke into tears (well me) and stood there, in tears hugging each other. "But you do realize," she said. "You are going to get it."

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