Chapter 5: "This Will Change Your Life."

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One second ago they were asking me questions, now they are carrying me to the police car. They sat me in the backseat and during the whole car ride was silent.  Once we got there, the orphanage was huge, it was called "Innocent Orphanage." (It is a real orphanage) They got my stuff out of the trunk as I was greeted by one of the staff. "Hello dear, I hear you are the new orphan. Well, my name is Susan but you can call me Auntie Suzy." She hugged me as I said my name. "Well, Rose we are very lucky to have you and sooner, a very lucky couple will have you." She lead me to my room, it was on the other side of the regular rooms. I had gotten a special room because of the scars. When I went into my new room, there was already one girl in there. She had said that her name was, Lyn-Z (She told me to spell it like that.) She said that she was put in here for attempted times to commit suicide. She was on the news when she had supposedly tried to jump off a building. She said that her parents hated her for being imperfect. So, she grew up thinking that she was never good enough, or that she was horrible. Parents think that saying you are the worst or what sin did I commit to having you as a daughter/son to us won't affect how we grow up. But it does. We were talking for a few minutes, then they told us to go to bed. 

In the morning, I made two more friends. Aidan and Mia, they came here due to horrible conditions at home, Mia is my age and Aidan is a year older than me. Mia says that she vapes in secret and Aidan says that he drinks in secret. Mia one day took me aside when we were playing volleyball and prisoner.

M: Rose, come over here I need to talk to you.

Me: What M?

M: I wanted to introduce you to vaping. This will change your life.

Me: What is vaping? I was always curious. 

M: Inhale and exhale the vapor produced by an electronic cigarette or similar device.

Me: What does vaping do? Does it taste good?

M: There are tons of flavors! Like, blue razz cotton candy, gummi bear, banana nut bread, peach green tea, watermelon wave, and my favorite frozen lime drop.

Me: Wow! I love watermelon! I might try it, but one thing, how do I do it? 

M: It's easy! 1. Remove the rubber plug at the top of the cartridge. Set it aside. (Don't lose it!) 2. Screw the mouthpiece and battery onto your cartridge. 3. Tighten it again, just in case. (We don't want to waste any oil that would be a shame.) Then you, 1.Put the mouthpiece to your lips and draw in a deep breath for up to four seconds. 2.Exhale quickly and thoroughly. 3. Wait a minute or two before inhaling again. If it's your first time ever (!), wait 10 minutes and take some deep breaths. 4. Has it been 10 minutes and you still don't feel anything? Take a second drag and repeat the process.

Me: Thanks! When we get to go to the store tomorrow, I will buy one!

That night, I was dreaming of all the flavors, how cool I will be and, how cool I will look!! I was talking with Lyn-Z and she was telling me how vaping is very dangerous and it can really harm my health. I am like, "Lady, you have tried to jump off a building! So don't tell me that I can't MotherF*cking vape!" 

This morning I was super hyped up. When the "adult" of our group that we were the next to go to the store, I was bouncing off the roof. The older kids get allowances for doing chores, like helping clean the dishes or help prepare the food. I already had $40 with me at the time, and I got another $10 just for being here! Once we got to the store, Mia showed me were the vapes are. I got some bubblegum flavoring with a black vaper. All total was $39.00! Once we got back, I immediately tried it out and it worked like a charm! I did it again, and again, and again, and again! I couldn't put it down, and I even tried.  I was close to running out of flavor, then Mia lent me some more! I don't think I can stop, I can't go to sleep tonight! When I vape now, all I think of are Mia's words, "This will change your life." And she was right!

Ugh, my head hurts so much. Lyn-Z thinks it is from vaping too much. Like, I would know if it was me vaping or not. I am pretty sure that it was from me jumping around too much being excited. Like duh. I think vaping has changed my life, now when I eat it either tastes like bubblegum or watermelon. I think that whoever made vaping, is a F*cking genius. Like I am NOT crazy. Lyn-Z thinks that I am Bat-Sh*t crazy. So whatever, I am now listening to, "Give em Hell Kid" By, once again, MCR. It is right now, 9:00 and I am still up and vaping. I put my new flavor in which is, peach green tea. Every time when I breathe out, it is so cool! There is a cloud of smoke and on my first try, I didn't breathe in the smoke! "Light's out every one in five!" Yelled out, Auntie Suzie. But being me, I didn't listen, I kept on vaping like there is no tomorrow. Lyn-Z kept telling me to go to bed and to stop vaping. Did I listen? Well, if you read the sentence before, you would know the answer. But unfortunately, Lyn-Z was right, when I was breathing out the smoke, Auntie Suzy had spotted our light on and went into our room. She had opened the door right when I blew a cloud of smoke into her face. "Young lady! We do not allow smoking or vaping in this orphanage!" F*CK.

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