Chapter 6: "No, Isn't A Good Day."

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I quickly fanned all of the smoke away and faced Auntie Suzy with a nervous smile. "H-hey Auntie Suzy," I said waving my hand to her. She didn't answer, she just stood there looking at me dead in the eyes, her hands on her hips and, her foot tapping angrily. "You think this isn't a big deal do you?" She asked me while getting closer to me. I was speechless. She narrowed her eyes at me. "I told you once, and I guess I will have to tell you twice. Smoking or vaping is not prohibited in this orphanage. Am I clear, miss?" I nodded my head as she grabbed the vaper out of my hands. After, she said that I need to go to bed, then turned around, shut off the light and, slammed the door shut. "I told you that you need to stop," Lyn-Z said sassily. "Oh shut your f*cking mouth." I climbed into bed and huffed. I woke up to loud bangs. I and Lyn-Z trudged to the door and Auntie Suzy was walking down the halls banging two pans together. "Get up, get up! And do it now!" She said as other kids opened their doors to see what was happening. We all saunter over to the gathering room. "What is happening?" I wondered. I was still rubbing my eyes out of exhaustion. Once we got down the stairs, we all sat down as Auntie Suzy said a few crappy words.

Auntie Suzy: Last night, a certain someone decided to break the rules and vape.

As she was saying that she kept giving me dirty looks.

AS: So in case you forgot, we are all going over the rules. And the orphans who were first here when I explained them the first time, I will be calling on you. So, what is rule number 1? Cassidy?

C: Always listen to the adults. At all times.

AS: Rule number 2? Oh, my beloved Ellie.

E: Rule number 2 is keeping your hands to yourself.

AS: rule number 3? Ugh, Mia?

M: Always use manners.

AS: And I will finish out the rest. No drinking, no curse words, no taking seconds unless everyone has gotten something to eat, no getting physical, no stealing others property and, No smoking or vaping!

She dismissed us back to our rooms and it was 4:00 A.M?! Like lady, are you crazy?! But whatever, me and Lyn-Z went back to sleep and then the fire alarm went off. Then, a voice came running down the hallway screaming, "GET OUT OF THE BUILDING!! GET OUT!!!" I and Lyn-Z grabbed our stuff (which was still in our bags, thankfully) and bolted out of the building. While we were running down the stairs, we saw that the kitchen burst into flames and cooks fleeing out of there to safety. After we got out, the building was already engulfed in flames. The owner of the orphanage, Miss Lucia was crying. "MY BRAD PITT BODY PILLOW!!! I mean no the orphanage." We all looked at her in disgust. "What? He has a beautiful body." She said smiling. She wiped her tears away and stood up.

ML: Okay kids, as you can see the orphanage blew down.

Me: Um, due to what?
ML: We were making breakfast when one of the cooks but a towel that was dipped in acetone a little bit too close to the stove. 

Me: Why was a towel dipped in acetone?

ML: Reasons. So due to the orphanage burning down, we have nowhere to stay. All of you are homeless now! Have a good day!

L: No, this isn't a good day Miss Lucia, it is a bullsh*t kind of day and you can get arrested for abandoning children.

M: Just because something went wrong, doesn't mean that you give up. 

A: It's either we all become homeless and you become arrested, or you find all of us a place to stay. 

Then all of the kids started chanting, "Miss Lucia is making us homeless." Which helps because we are right next to a police station. She went on her phone and made a call. "Hi, I have over 100 people with me, can you reserve rooms for me? Why? Because our orphanage burned down and it is either you give us rooms or, 100+ kids become homeless. Ok, thanks buh-bye." She put down her phone and turned to us. "Kids, we don't have a place to stay. Goodbye kids, good luck being homeless." She said with tears in her eyes. She walked to the police station and waved at us. "Guys! I have a plan of how we can survive being homeless." I said standing on a box of clothes. "How?" Asked someone in the crowd. "I have a tent with me. That tent can fit us to 7 people if we are skinny." "I have a tent!" Someone yelled. "Me too!" Soon, we all had settled in across the street from the orphanage. Altogether we had 25 tents. 7 to 8 people can fin in each one. Before we went to bed we made pillows out of old clothes from Miss Lucia's box. We also made blankets from her clothes too. We all managed to survive the night, but we weren't aware of what was going to happen next. We all fell into a deep sleep when we are attacked. We felt people grabbing at the tent and fumbling with the zippers. They said to give them everything we have or else they will kill us. He tried to fight back but it was pointless. They finally got the zipper open and got in. They were old homeless men trying to attack us. Then I remembered. "MY BLADE!!!" I keep it in my pocket at all times. I got it out and started cutting the man on his face and arms. He got out, kicked the tent, and ran off. "Oh, my F*cking god. That was ugh." We couldn't fall asleep after that, we took turns sleeping and staying awake. Then like lightning, morning came. We all didn't know what to do. we had no food or water. "This day is going to a f*cking great." I said sarcastically. 

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