100!! Wait no, i mean 200!!!!!!! Yay!

6.5K 129 125

Remember that 'movie' fan that insulted the books?

Ah yes

They made a nice coat.


Okay, yay, we have reached 200!!!!!!!! I feel so proud!!!!! I love you guys!!!!!
So I need to ask you guys a question, yes? Well I need you to check out my new story please! I have updated two chapters and I have only got two votes, and the thing is I want to update more but since I have like no reads I'm not sure if I should. So please just check it out, comment your opinions, vote if you like it. Ps each chapter so far is very short but I'm starting to make them longer now..... It's called 'Different Worlds, Young Love' I know it's a crap name , I need help thinking of a new one.
Thanks guys: )
I think the limit of each book is only 200 chapters so I might have to make a new book for the rest.

Also I have decided what I want to call you guys............. I have three option, I want you guys to pick the best one!

1- Ninja Turtles

2- Skittle Brains

3- Unicorns

4- Mini- Me's

So pick, I will pick the most popular one on 16th July ( aka Luke Hemmings birthday), you've got 22 days guys, so pick away for your new name!!!!

Well bye, until next time mi amigos!!!
Hannah xxxxx

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