|Chapter 10|

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Things was blurring when I woke up this morning. The blinds was open showing the sun. It's sunny on the outside but the inside of me was thunderstorms.

"I see you up"I heard the dude Dave voice. He sat down on the bed looking at me. "What happened to your mouth?"

I didn't want to tell him. Shit, he ain't gone do anything but laugh. "Your friend...."He cut me off.

"That ain't my friend, he just a dude I work with"Dave said.

"Wellllll"I sat up. "His little gang raped me"I said. I didn't want to cry in front of him. "What else gone happen to me? Ima die here. Get killed by one of you"

"Ima talk to nas about that shit. You must of said something that made him mad"

"I kind of spit on him or his shoes"I said. "He called me a bad girl and I was so angry at that moment"

"You probably deserve it"he said smiling. I raise up from bed and slap his face. He stop smiling and look at me all mad.

"How would you like it if someone rape your sister or cousin?"I ask him. He didn't say anything but kept breathing hard. "I struck a nerve didn't I"I smiled.

He stood up and walk out the room. He needed to leave cause I'm tired of looking at him.

The hours past by like a subway train passing threw. That's how fast it was. All i know is the sun went down again and moon shine threw my room.

I know my parents probably worried about me or not. They probably praying to God that I stay kidnap.

"She in here"I heard nas voice again. I wanted to look at him but I didn't.

"Damn, what happened to her?"I heard another man say.

"Use her little ass. Learn how to not spit on people"nas said.

"Okay. How much for her?"the man ask.

"She not for sale"nas said. "She going to somebody I trust"

"So you dont trust me?"

"I trust you, but when I tell why I kidnapped her you might snitch"

"Mhmm. I talk to you later"I heard the footsteps leave the room. I just laid there crying my eyes out.


It was 3:00 AM. How I know, there is a clock on the wall. I can tell time. But i wonder who he sending me home with. Or is it a new home. Not Baltimore home.

The door open once again. "Pick her up and put her in the car. Be careful she might run"nas said. I hope I won't see him again.

I felt the man lift me up looking at me smiling. "Must be happy that you leaving me"that's one of the man that rape me. "Ima miss these small titties"

"Aye, hurry it up"Dave said. I have to live with him. Hell no. I started kicking, screaming, and fighting to get out this man embrace.

"Shut it up"Dave pointed his gun at me. I was just staring at the barrel of the 9mm. "We ain't go play that shit"

"I'm staying with him now!!"I yelled.

"Yea. He bought you"nas said. "Take her Dave"Dave grab me from the man taking me to his car I guess.

Now I have to live with him? Hell no.

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