Chapter 1- The rain made me do it

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The seat dug into my tailbone and the class dragged on. Time slowly ticked on as usual and i was contemplating what i did in life to deserve such torture when Jenni and Aoife bickering about pregnant male sea horses drove through my head with a steam roller. Their squabbling like chickens never ceases to annoy the shit out of me and i have had it with their incessant bullshit.

Idiots to the highest degree. Though i kept those thoughts to myself.

"Sarahhhhhhhh!" Aoife interjecting as per usual in an irritating, whiny tone that I, unfortunately, have grown so accustomed to over the many years.

Aoife....What can i say about her? As you can so blindly see, she can be annoying but overlooking the obvious she has been my best friend since i was able to do times tables so i guess that works in her favour. At first you might see her as loud overbearing mum. Once you get to know her you see that she is still a loud overbearing annoying mum who only wants the best, or so she says. That time i fell down the stairs and was a fraction of severing my spinal cord, with the close reality of never walking again by the oh so loving 'mother' of the group states remarkably different.

"What?" I sigh loudly, my patience long grown  increasingly thin.

Honestly, I do love her, i think, but she can act like such an ass sometimes. I am thinking i might get her checked out at some stage. I have looking into divorcing her but that is apparently 'not a thing you can do' when you not married.

"I have tried to tell Jenni that male seahorses can't give birth but she will not listen!" I close my eyes and allow my anger to dissipate, taking deep soothing breaths, once again it doesnt work all that successfully.

I sigh at her ignorance. What's more disheartening is that they have already had this argument more than once in the last week and that i have already explained this, more than once in the last week

"Aoife the male seahorse gives birth in the relationship. It's biology bitch. What would Mrs McCloy think?" My starting eyes rolling further back into my head ,i fear they might disappear one day, before i have a chance to stop them.

Aoife's isn't a natural at listening in class, nor in general. She usually passes her hours by scribbling her quixotic job ideas on scraps of paper from my pockets. The latest being a professional tin whistler. Not trying or seeking to crush her unrealistic dreams but i cant say she would get very far. I can affirm the noise of a cat dying wouldn't sound so dissimilar.

"Noooooo, but that's not the point! Its not normal!" Aoife says. Really, she is the one talking about normal. Everyone in our classes head swivel around but dismiss it knowing that it is Aoife once again. They have develop their ears to tune her out. I only wish i had the gift.

"Aoife I swear you're not normal most of the time."

"Ohh shut up!" Aoife says once again, frustrated at not being right and a scowl forming on her round face. This is a regular occurrence for her as she likes to make little tantrums, in extreme similarity with many infant children.

"I will when you do!" I say to her from my place across the table. I can't help but stoop down to her level.

"Ughhh, I hate you." She pauses for a minute before pouting and beginning to mock me. "Ohhh I'm Sarah and I know shit about everything."Aoife declares, flapping her arms to make a point and pulling god awful faces. She thinks it does something but really she just looks like a fucking monkey on speed.

After our petty argument we get up from the uncomfortably hard plastic chairs of our class and make to leave. All to go our own separate ways, Jenni goes to choir practice whilst i wait for my lift and Aoife takes the bus home.

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