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Maely stepped up to her apartment door, swiping her feet across the tattered 'welcome' mat as she rummaged around in her handbag for her keys. After sifting through an array of tissues, tampons and reciepts, Maely finally found located the large silver ring from which a variety of keys belonging to various doors, cupboards and buildings hung.

She pulled them out with a sigh of relief, and moved to shove the correct one into the battered lock of her door, when she caught sight of an A4-sized yellow note taped loosely onto the maroon front door.

Maely gasped softly, snatching the paper from the door and held it closer to her face, inspecting the words.

Ms Maely Louise Winters,
We regret to inform you that, after four months without your payment for rent, you have been evicted from your residence at Tower Heights. You have approximately 7 days to either remove your belongings and hand in any keys you have, or pay the $8,225 owed. Failure to leave your residence may result in the involvement of the Los Angeles Police Department.
Tower Heights.

"Fuck!" Maely cursed, ripping the note in half and kicking her door in anger.

It wasn't Maely's fault that she couldn't find the money to buy a meal each night, let alone pay rent for her stingy apartment. Ever since she had been kicked out of her home, she'd been struggling for money. Maely couldn't find a proper job for months, and by the time she did all of her savings were gone. The only place that would employ her was a strip club. Maely had no other choice but to accept the degrading outfits, minimum wage and creepy customers with open arms - after all, where else was she to turn?

Maely swung open the door, ignoring the broken hinges, and walked inside, slamming it closed behind her.

Making her way into the kitchen, Maely threw her handbag down on the bench and opened the refrigerator doors, only to find the thing empty. Groaning, she turned to the cupboard, hoping for something small to eat, only to find an empty jar of Vegemite and a small glass bottle of blue food dye.

Sighing, Maely closed the cupboard doors and sat on the couch; she wouldn't be eating tonight. She reached for the remote to the small box-TV that Tower Heights had provided (it was dodgy, just like everything else in the hell-hole), and pressed the power button, but nothing turned on.

"What the hell..." Maely mumbled, clicking it again and again. A second later, all of the power in the room cut out, leaving the poor girl in complete darkness. Groaning, Maely stood up angrily and yelled at the ceiling, "You bastards!"

She was about to throw the remote back at the television when her disposable cell phone bleeped loudly, distracting her from the actions she was about to perform - it was probably a good thing, otherwise she'd owe even more than she already did.

From: Mark

Aimee called in sick. We need you down here in 10.

Maely groaned loudly, although no one could hear her - she had just finished her shift and now they wanted her back again? Maely would quite happily deny Mark, her boss, and stay home to drown in her own sorrow, but more work meant more pay - and that's what she really needed right now.

So Maely typed a quick reply and pulled on her six-inch heels, fish-net tights, leather shorts, an extremely revealing top and leather jacket, and made her way out of the apartment and down the street to the Lusty Leopard strip club, leaving all of her self-respect and morals behind in that shitty apartment.

I know, I copied the How I Met Your Mother strip club but tbh I couldn't think of anything else lol.

Prologue is short but the chapters will get longer as it progresses. xx

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