six - chase

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Dedicated to 5SOSKatarina because even though her comment was only one word, the fact that someone commented at all is something to be celebrated. (Plus I don't have a muffin basket sorry)

17-year-old Lacey Taylor had been waiting patiently outside Forest Hills Stadium by herself since 5:00am. She was the first fan there, and prided herself on that. She had snuck out of her crappy apartment and caught the train all the way to the stadium, all against her mothers will. The boys of 5 Seconds of Summer had single-handedly prevented her suicide - they had done the impossible and made her happy again, when nobody ever thought she would be. Lacey was determined to meet the boys who saved her life and tell them how truly great they were.

But this was not the way she wanted to meet them.

There was over one hundred fans waiting at the back of the stadium, and even more around the front and sides. Despite the large amount of people, the volume of sound coming from the group was surprisingly low, so it was easy to hear when the back door into the stadium flew open, slamming against the concrete wall with a loud bang.

The crowd of girls suddenly lurched forward, security jumping into action and holding them all back, constant reminders that if they were disruptive they would have no chance of meeting their idols. Soon, the chatter quickly subsided and was replaced with high-pitched squealing and yelling. Lacey refrained herself from doing anything of the sort, knowing how much it would annoy the group.

It seemed as though each girl was trying to climb over the person in front of them to see if it really was one of their beloved boys - Lacey included. She wanted, needed, to see them - even if it was only one of them. She needed to see if they were real... if these beautiful, wonderful, selfless boys were, in fact, real. She needed to know that she hadn't just made this all up in her head.

"Who is it?" One girl asked loudly, her voice riding above the crowd.

"Luke!?" Someone yelled.

"Mikey!" Another shouted.


"Calum? Is it you?"

"Girls, please!" The security guards bellowed. "If you don't all calm down right this instant I'll make sure the boys won't even look out here!"

Almost instantly, the crowd fell silent and everybody took a step back - Lacey was finally able to breathe. She was surprised at how quickly everyone had agreed, although if everyone was as desperate as her to meet them, she could understand.

However, once everybody took a step back and saw who was really at the door, Lacey's heart plummeted. It wasn't Luke. Or Michael. Or Ashton, or even Calum.

It was a girl.

Maely stood before the silenced crowd of girls, frozen in shock. She had completely forgotten that Calum, along with the other boys, were famous.

"Shit," Maely mumbled, staring blankly at the girls who stared blankly back. Neither party knew what to do.

The silence surrounding them was deafening - Maely swore she could hear the Lusty Leapord's music playing far in the distance. All of a sudden, one girl raised her phone in the air slowly and Maely could hear the following 'click' of the camera. The girl's actions seemed to snap everyone back to reality - and it created a domino effect.

The hundred-or-so girls before Maely all suddenly pulled out their flashy, fancy iPhones and began snapping pictures, filming, tweeting - and suddenly the screaming started all over again.

"Who is she?" One girl called out, her lips pouted and her brows furrowed, glaring judgmentally at Maely.

"Why is she dressed so... so..." Another girl started.

Groupie ; c.hOn viuen les histories. Descobreix ara