nine - goodbye?

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Maely and Luke sat cuddle up under a mountain of thick blankets, a bowl of popcorn settled between them as they gripped eachothers hands beneath the sheets. Maely slowly sunk her face into the doona as the main character in the horror movie playing before them took slow, cautious steps around the corner. Maely knew that there would be someone there, waiting to attack - there always was.

"Are you scared, Maely?" Luke teased, nudging the girl.

"No," Maely lied, shaking her head.

"Sure," Luke smirked, turning back to face the small laptop screen.

Just as the man stepped around the corner, a tall clown with wild, curly red hair and smudged facepaint jumped out in front of him, a bloody dagger in hand and a murderous grin stretching across his face. Luke screamed like a four-year-old girl, instantly jumping closer to Maely, who did the same. The two clutched onto each other's bodies for dear life as the clown stepped closer to the poor man.

"He's going to kill him," Maely whispered the obvious.

"Run!" Luke screamed at the computer, "Run, you idiot! He's going to fucking chop you into bite-sized pieces!"

Suddenly, the clown lunged at the man, tackling him to the ground and pressing the silver blade against his exposed neck. 

"I'm going to kill you," The crazy clown said, "I'm going to cut you up until there's nothing left. And I'm going to enjoy every last moment of it."

"Please," The man gasped for air, as if it would be the last time he ever could, "Please, I need to see my little girl. She needs me."

"I'll take care of her for you, don't you worry," The clown whispered menacingly before plunging the dagger deep into the man's throat, blood spurting from his neck and flowing like a faucet as the man screamed and the clown cackled with manic laughter.

Maely's eyes widened in horror as Luke slammed the laptop shut. 

"That's enough of that," Luke said, shoving the device as far away as possible.

"Next time, I'll pick the movie," Maely said, Luke raising an eyebrow.

"So there's going to be a next time?" Luke asked, smirking.

"Um, I mean, if you don't-"

"I'm joking, Maely," Luke chuckled lightly, "I'd love to do this again."

"Really?" Maely asked in disbelief. Nobody had ever wanted to hang out with her before unless they wanted a lapdance.

"Yeah!" Luke nodded enthusiastically, "For sure. I can already tell we're going to be great friends."

"Thanks, Luke," Maely smiled genuinely, "This means a lot. I really need a friend right now..."

"I'm always happy to help," Luke smiled, wrapping his arm around the girl in a side-hug, "Whatever you need, yeah?"

"Yeah," Maely nodded, "I should probably go..."

"No, I'll go - you can sleep on the bus," Luke said quickly, picking up his laptop before standing up.

"Are you sure?" Maely asked, not wanting to take away his privacy.

"Positive," Luke answered with a smile as he neared the door, "Goodnight, Maely. I'll see you tomorrow."

"Goodnight," Maely said quietly as Luke closed the door behind him.

Sinking into the thick sheets once again, Maely closed her eyes and was ready to fall straight to sleep when she heard the creak of a door. She sat up, her heart thumping as the creaking sound continued once more. Swinging her legs over the side of the bed, Maely jumped down from the bunk quietly and began creeping towards the front door of the bus. The creaking continued as Maely neared the door, and her heart began racing as she peeked around the corner, expecting to see a curly-red-haired clown with makeup dripping down his face and a dagger in his hands, but instead being faced with a tall, tanned boy with black hair and blonde streaks.

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