ten - interview

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The following morning, Maely woke up in a daze to the sound of someone whispering softly into her ear.

"Wake up, Maely!" The familiar voice said softly. They were so close that she could feel their breath tickling her ear, making her squirm slightly, "I know you're awake!"

Turning over slowly, Maely faced the culprit - a blonde-haired, blue-eyed boy who wore a wide, welcoming grin. "Luke," Maely breathed, smiling back up at the boy, "What are you doing here?"

"Waking you up," Luke said, sitting on the end of the bed without breaking eye contact.

"What's the time?" Maely sat up, narrowing her eyes to find a clock. 

"Six-twenty-five," Luke answered smoothly, and when Maely opened her mouth to ask why he'd woken her up so early he added, "We have an interview today. The place is about an hour away."

"Who's the interview with?" Maely asked, stretching her arms out widely as she slowly woke herself up.

"Some radio station," Luke shrugged, running a hand through his messy morning hair, "Are you ready for breakfast?"

"Breakfast?" Maely scrunched up her face in confusion, "You guys eat breakfast?"

"You don't?" Luke countered, to which Maely shook her head, "Breakfast is the most important meal of the day!"

Maely shrugged, "I'm never really hungry."

Luke shook his head in disbelief, "I can't believe that, Maely. You have to eat breakfast!"

"I'm sorry, I didn't realize you were the boss of me," Maely said sarcastically.

"You're like a child," Luke rolled his eyes as Maely poked her tongue out at him, before the two burst into hysterics.

As their laughter died down, Luke stood up from the bed, "Come on, then."

"What?" Maely asked, swinging her legs over the side of the bed.

"We're going to get breakfast," Luke said, grabbing Maely's hand and pulling her out of bed.

"What, but I'm not even dressed-"

"Neither am I," Luke pointed out, gesturing to his attire of black tracksuit pants and a plain white t-shirt, "And neither will anyone else be. Don't worry, Maely, just come and eat. Please?"

Sighing, Maely finally nodded, "Fine, let's go."

"Yay!" Luke clapped his hands together before leading Maely out of the bus.

Overnight, there had been several benches set out in the carpark for the tour crew to eat at. Maely was surprised to see that most of the crew was already up and finished eating. Ten large brown paper bags were placed in various places across all of the tables, with people shoving their hands in and pulling out foam containers with pancakes and hash browns inside.

"They go out and order pretty much everything off the McDonald's breakfast menu," Luke chuckled, "Come on, let's go get something."

As they approached one of the tables, Calum jumped out of nowhere and tapped Maely on the shoulder. 

"Have you decided yet?" He asked eagerly, an excited grin on his face.

"Calum, you said you'd give me some time," Maely sighed, "You need to let me think, okay?"

Calum's grin dropped as he let out a frustrated groan, "Well, will you hurry up? I want to book your ticket as soon as possible, plane seats don't last for ever, you know?"

"You act like I've already made my decision," Maely frowned.

"Well I'm hoping you know what the right thing to do is," Calum said.

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