five - soundcheck

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OKAY, so i've decided to continue Groupie - thanks to all of your lovely and wonderful comments on the previous chapter, PARTICULARLY poptartliam, to whom this chapter is dedicated. You're amazing and I'm currently starting to read some of your works!!! The fact that I've inspired you to write completely stokes me... YOU are the reason that Groupie is back up!! Keep writing forever and ever xx

I hope you all enjoy this chapter, and every one after - you never know when it could be the last one.

Calum stared contently at a snoring, fatigued Maely, who was sleeping soundly on the couch. She had, in the midst of her distraught, forgotten to mention the fact that she was, to Calum (and the other boys') dismay, a snorer.

"Just wake her up, Cal," Michael whispered, nudging the boy forward lightly.

"Why don't you?" Calum snapped over his shoulder, glaring at his friend.

"She doesn't seem like a morning person," Michael said, eyeing her nervously, the other boys nodding in agreement.

"Well, one of you do it!" Calum turned to Luke and Ashton accusingly, who quickly shook their heads.

"Nuh-uh buddy," Ashton said, stepping back with his arms raised in defence. "This one's on you."

"You were the one to invite her home," Luke pointed out nervously, earning a harsh glare from Calum.

"Whatever," Calum huffed, fed up with his friends. Some friends they were, he thought. He turned back to the snoring Maely, chewing softly on his bottom lip as he did so.

"Well, uh, we'll just leave you to it," Michael said quickly, patting Calum on the shoulder.

"Yeah, we're gonna... um, get ready for soundcheck," Ashton said uncertainly, nudging Luke who nodded in agreement, before the trio quickly ran off towards the bunk room.

"Pussies," Calum mumbled once the group were out of earshot - not that he really cared if they did hear.

Taking a deep breath, Calum carefully reached down and placed his hands on either of Maely's shoulders, gently shaking the girl.

"Maely," he called softly. "Maely, wake up. You've gotta wake up now. Wake up. Dammit, wake up."

Maely stirred slowly beneath Calum's touch and rolled over on her back, her eyes fluttering open. When she saw Calum standing over her, her eyes widened immensely, and she quickly covered herself up with the blanket she'd been given the previous night.

"What are you doing?" Maely cried out, bewildered.

"Uh... waking you up?" Calum said, but the statement came out as more of a question. He was scared, to say the least - Maely really didn't seem like a morning person. And his thoughts were about to be confirmed.

"Why?" Maely sat up, the knitted blanket falling into her lap as her face reddened in anger

"Because... uh, well, the b-boys and I have soundcheck for, um, our show today a-and I didn't want you to wake up with no one h-here," Calum blurted out, rubbing the back of his neck awkwardly with his hand, nervous for Maely's reaction.

"Well..." Maely was about to blow up at Calum for waking her - she really wasn't a morning person - but then she remembered how kind he and his friends had been to her in giving her a place to stay for the night. She wanted to be mad, she really did, but she desperately refrained herself. "Thanks... for being, um, considerate."

Surprised, Calum looked down at Maely in confusion, whose eyes were glued to the floor. "Oh - uh - t-that's, um, that's okay."

Maely flashed Calum a weak smile, trying desperately to clear the awkward air. "So, um, I'll just pack my stuff up and-"

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