Prince of Knights Chp4

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Faris frowned eyes on Sheikh Mubarak, "Insha'Allah," he paused as if in a mental war. "There shall not be any death caused by the hands of my men," he declared and Sheikh Faisal nodded then looked their way. "They are my sons," Mubarak answered as he followed his gaze, and then pointed at Faris. "My elder son, Faris, will be the husband of your daughter," he added with proud noticeable in his voice.

Faris stole a swift glimpse at Badr who seemed contented it was not Nasser then his face went pallid as he registered the words and panic engulfed his posture. Indeed he knew who 'Faris Mubarak Al Borkan' was, the cruelest man known even among Al Rashideens. Faris averted his gaze from Badr and looked at Sheikh Faisal who studied him.

"When do you wish for the ceremony to take place?" Faisal investigated and looked around the Borkan men.

"Today, it will be better for the matter to settle today," Mubarak announced. Faris did not look elsewhere but at Sheikh Faisal, he watched with satisfaction as the man hesitated then give a curt nod.

Every man that sat there, raised their hands and listened as Abu Isa recited verses of Quran and with the name of Allah and his Prophet, Faris was Raghad's spouse. They greeted each other but with dark scowls on faces and revulsion in hearts. The groom was like a fierce hard stone, he did not wish to be kind-hearted, and he could not display even an ounce of his weakness in front of his enemies. If he did he knew his foes will use it against him which he clearly did not desire.

Faris was restless, everything in this tribe pricked at his skin. The savage knight wanted to retire from the repulsive tribe and evacuate as soon as possible. Even the air he breathed seemed poisonous to him.The lavish feast was served he could not help but admire their hospitality. However, he did not possess the appetite to eat. At last, after Salat Al-Asr his tribe decided to depart, he stood and strode away the moment they spoke their farewell. Every blob of blood in his system goaded him to shed blood, but he could not.

"Ya Faris," called a familiar voice.

Faris turned to face the person the voice belonged to. Badr 'The eagle Knight' trod towards him. Nasser ceased his movements and stood beside his brother, but like the wise man Faris was, he urged Nasser to proceed. However, the large man turned his glare at Badr and Faris knew his brother warned the man. By Allah Nasser was intimidating but Badr showed no indication of agitation.

"Na'am ya Badr. Sagr al fursan," (Yes? Oh Badr, the eagle of knights). Faris let his hands loose on his sides and stared the man in eyes.

Badr stood in front of him, brown against black. This was the moment individuals in tribes quivered whenever they pondered of it. A moment where two murderous men stood face-to-face. One of those moments where a single slip of a tongue could cause hundreds of lives. The tribesmen that passed halted and observed with trembling hearts and crumbling courage. They gaped as Faris. 'Faris al Fursan' glared at Badr.

"I believe you are by now aware why I demanded your attention, ya Faris," Badr began in a serene voice, so unnaturally peaceful that it howled danger.

Faris nodded, "Yes, I do," his black thobe that fell on his ankles flapped with the wind. He disregarded the hair that escaped his red headdress.

"This marriage unites our tribes," Badr started.

"It is a blessing from Allah, I believe," Faris responded, tranquil but a storm was brewing behind the curtains of his dark, black eyes.

"And my sister will be your bride," here knight of knights, Faris, narrowed his inscrutable eyes.

"She will, ya Badr. Do speak what you wish for," he commanded gently but Badr knew the threat behind it.

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