He soon shut his phone off, eyeing Namjoon for a moment, then diverting to me. His smile immediately faltered. "Yah, you two aren't working together."

He tried to shoo the clingy Jungkook off but the bunny was reluctant to leave my side. "What do you mean we can't work together?"

"Jiyeon is choosing someone new today. And no, it's not me." He shooed him again. "Now go work with Taehyung!"

Jungkook got up from his seat highly agitated with a grump pout to his expression, "but why Taehyung?"

"Because I sense a strong bond between you two in the future. Now go!"

Jungkook walked away, sitting by Taehyung who now wasn't alone anymore. The only reason why he was by himself was due to Jimin and Hoseok partnering up themselves, they thought it would be best for them to work together since their busy schedules overlapped.

"As for you," Jin eyed the other students, "go work with that young man over there."


That's Min Yoongi.

I felt nervous. No, I was incredibly nervous. I knew Yoongi would be absolutely against working with me, hell, he barely even knew me. Somehow, I managed to muster any courage I had left and force my body up, not even quartering up a fuss.

I grabbed my stuff and marched over to Yoongi with all the false confidence ingrained in me, leaving Jin to watch on as a proud mother would. Things got even better for Jin as Namjoon joined him, seating himself right at his side.

I plopped down next to Yoongi, the unsuspecting male immediately shooting a death glare my way. I reeled out one of the textbooks, since class sets were always kept under the desk, and opened it to the table of contents. Mr. Lee said we should choose three topics for our project and make a presentation on it.

"You don't mind if I'm your partner, do you?" I smiled like an idiot, trying my best to seem as warm and friendly as possible.

His brows furrowed as he stared at me in disbelief, "did someone dare you to talk to me, or is this some stupid excuse of joke?"


He turned away from me tp then rest his head against the dingy brown desk. "Bullshit," he muttered lowly under his breath.

I could only sigh at his words knowing it would be hard to get to him. "Anyway, I'm Lim Jiyeon," I bowed towards him.

"I know who you are, and I know your brother too."

My smile faltered at his heavily bitter statement, "oh."

I scanned over the words the various pages within the hefty text, yet I was unable to process one bit of it. Decisively, I slid the book onto Yoongi's desk, causing him to sit upright.

"At least choose one topic, we're already partners."

He gazed down at the book with curious eyes, actually taking his options into consideration. Now that I'm getting a better look at Yoongi, he's actually quite handsome. His blonde-dyed hair suited his pale complexion and virtually soft features. Even the most subtle details I suddenly found endearing, from his pouty lips to his indescribably sharp eyes. Indeed, he's quite handsome.

"Please don't stare at me, I really don't like the attention." He pushed the book back toward me, "and you can choose the topics, I'll help with the research and work."

"Come on, can't you just eeny meeny miny moe this?" He scoffed at my naive response.

"That's a bit childish." He shortly smirked, it was probably the only time I've ever witness him smile throughout the entirety of high school.

"Well, I happened to be a childish person."

His smile quickly disappeared. He swiftly reverted back to his introverted state, as if closing back off into his invulnerable shell. "Are you actually here because you wanted to partner up?"

"Yes, of course."

He still denied my truth. In the back of his mind, he felt as though I was only here to mess with him like everyone else, but it even wasn't remotely true.

"So," I closed the book, now giving Yoongi my full attention. "How about we get to know each other."

"How about no."

"Come on, it's better than sitting here in silence."

"No, it's not."

"You're no fun," I pouted, averting my gaze back at Jin.

It came to no surprise, Jin and Namjoon were undeniably immersed in each other. Although it was their first time talking in person, they seemed to be getting along as if they had known each other for years. The same happened to be replicated with Taehyung and Jungkook.

Me and Yoongi, unfortunately, made no progress.

I was going to leave it at that and pick up the project another day, but something set me off in a whole other direction. It was a balled-up piece of paper throttling across the room, aimed right at the back of Yoongi's head.

He didn't react when the paper hit him, not even a blink when the second one came flying. He probably didn't want to cause a problem with the few bothers behind us, but I surely did.

"Hey!" I shouted back at the group of jocks. They were friends of Jaebum and obedient to anyone Jaebum associated with, including me. "Why don't you fuck off, or else!"

"Ooh," was the harmonious sound that escaped the boys. At least their taunting was possibly halted Yoongi for now.

"Yoongi, you alright?"

He didn't answer. Instead, he abruptly stood up, making his way to the teacher. He requested to go to the nurse before escaping the daunting classroom, but I still felt worried. The only alternative I could manage at the moment was to add Yoongi through quick add on Snapchat.

I felt terrible that I couldn't do more, but at the very least I did something. The classroom, as they typically did, turned a blind eye to the altercation; all except for Jimin.

Like the class president he is, Jimin scolded the boys for bullying despite knowing the tactic wasn't very effective.

What should I do to help?


By the time lunch came around, Yoongi wasn't even on campus anymore. I've noticed that he tends to get picked up a lot with the same components of an ill feeling and a nurse's pass.

Of course, he was lying.

No one seemed to notice his disappearance other than me, Jimin, Jungkook, Taehyung, Namjoon, Hoseok, and Jin. The only ones who really cared, even if it was subtle. We were also the only ones concerned, even if we all showed it in different ways, we wanted to help Yoongi.

And we were all going to help him, one way or another, whether he likes it or not.


Hello everyone, I'm back, yes. I'm sorry if my writing is getting a little dry, when I try to introduce characters I want to focus more on detail than entertainment. But I think about all the important characters have been introduced, so, you'll probably enjoy the next chapters more.

Bye bye💕

Cupid's Bow [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now