Tomtord (2)

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(Since no one requested anything cause I have no friends XD I'll just write another tomtord story)

(This oneshot is about a highschool AU where Tom,Edd,and Matt were Juniors while Tord is a Sophomore. Matt, Tom.and Edd are already good friends. Tord is bullied and suicidal. Then—well you'll find out if you read the story :3

Matt,Tom,and Edd were walking through the halls. Always with people talking to them asking to hang out or have sex. They were clueless why they were so popular. Edd just focused on his art and making people laugh. Matt was focused on his friends and acting class. Tom was focused on music and that's pretty much it.They all got pretty good grades but none of them really wanted to go to parties or smoke and drink. Though Tom was friends with some of those kids from sports but they offer weren't allowed to play because of their grades. But tom did care about his grades and got A'S and B'S.

It was during 4th hour when the bell rang and it was time for lunch. The three boys walked down to the lunch room, grabbed their food and sat at their normal table. They did the usual and talked about how their day has been. After a few minutes of talking something caught Tom's eye. It was a boy sitting alone it looked like he was crying. Tom didn't want to seem soft so he told Edd and Edd ran over to the boy. After a few minutes of talking Edd came back over dragging the boy by his wrist.

"Guys this is Tord!" Edd said excitedly," he is going to be our new friend.

Matt smiles at Tord while Tord just looked down to the side. Tom noticed he has buries and cuts all over him.

"What happened to you?" Tom asked with no hesitation.

"E-Eh?!" Tord replied, "I don't know what you are talking about."

Tom rolled his eyes and got up taking Tord's other wrist dragging him away causing edd to let go. And Edd sat back down at the table.

Tom dragged Tord into the janitors closet and locked the door. "Tell me now."

"You are very assertive for someone I just met" tord looked at tom.

"yeah yeah" Tom mumbled.

"I don't have the time for this sorry." And with that tord headed for the door.

Tom didn't want him to leave. So to prevent him tom grabbed the smaller boys wrists and pinned him against the wall.

Tord let out a small yelp as his warms wrists touched the frigid wall.

Tom loved this. The truth was tom had always had a liking towards the Norwegian boy ever since he moved to the campus last year. He wanted to hug and kiss him and claim him as his own. He wanted to mark him. On his neck on his chest on his thighs all over the boys body but he knew he couldn't. They haven't even been talking for a full day.

While tom pinned him tord stared into the taller boys "eyes." They were like endless black voids and tord absolutely loved it.

"So." Tom finally spoke. "Are you going to talk or am I going to have to make you."

Tord raised an eyebrow. "Make me? How do you plan to do that."

Tom lustfully tightened his grip on tords wrists. "I don't think you'd want me to take it that far now~"

Tord felt a light blush come across his cheeks. Did Tom like him? Gosh oh he hoped. He wanted tom all to himself though he was more submissive.

After what felt like hours of looking into each other's eyes tom let go of tords wrists and traced down his skin until he cupped his soft cheek in hand. He took a massive leap of faith and leaned in for a kiss hoping that tord would respond.Thankfully tord leaned up and kissed him. Tom kissed back and moved his hands down to tords hips, pulling him closer deepening the kiss. Tord responded and wrapped his hands around the taller boys neck intertwining his own hands together. They would have proceeded if there wasn't a soft knock at the door. Tom, sadly pulled away and pecked tords nose before breaking the embrace and walking to the door

"You guys ok"  a familiar voice asked. Edd pokes his head in with Matt behind him.

"Yeah...perfect" tom pulled tord out of the room and hugged him from behind.

(Alright Sorry I didn't update but should I continue this or write a new one possible with a different ship. Like idk I like eddmatt,crossmare,blah blah blah gay stuff. But I don't have a issues with writing more tomtord :3)

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