Welcome Nick

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Dad had always told me that you can never really react. It can't be a spur of the moment thing, each reaction has to be perfectly planned to correlate with how you wanted things to happen.

So in other words, he told me to make every single reaction I had a lie. A ruse to throw people off. An act that gave me an advantage.

These things were drilled into my mind, and there was never a loophole, they were strict rules I followed. Michael and I take them so seriously it was like a religion. Plan everything, create the story you wanted; it's all about the lie.

However, I had no way to react, I simply had no plan. No part of me could have ever predicted Nicks presence here, so I had no idea what to do.

And that scared the shit out of me.

I was never desperate, but dad always said that if it's the best thing to do, you run.


The tiny voice was in my head, and I was about to bolt when another croak from Nick stopped me.

"Essix, Essix- please, come here." His voice was so weak, so fragile. That had never happened, NEVER. Nick was always strong, and here he was, or his voice, and it sounded afraid.

Levon and Peter froze beside me, obviously hearing the weak pleas of this man.

Levon's eyes immediately met mine, in an instant they went from pure shock (probably because now not one but two of his 'prisoners' knew me), to caution. I could see through his wary expression that he didn't want me to communicate with Nick, but he made no attempt to stop me.

I couldn't resist anymore and my anger got the best of me. I nodded at Levon and let him take the wounded Peter off my shoulder. I crept to the side of Nick's cell, where I couldn't see him and he couldn't see me, but we could hear better. I didn't want to give him the pleasure of seeing me like this.

He was my brother, and he would immediately know something had happened to me, and he would probably realize dad, or his friends, took training a step further. So I neared his cell, and I whispered one word. One barely audible word, but I knew he heard it.


In my family, a coward was the lowest you could call someone. It was worse than any cuss words, and caused monstrous grudges and fights, no, not fights, battles. I expected him to lunge at the cell doors, to claw through walls to burn my flesh, to argue and scream at me, but he didn't. His reply surprised me to no end.
"I know. " This was not the Nick I knew, this was a desperate Nick. I hated this Nick.

I stomped to the stairs, ignoring the confused looks from Peter and Levon. At the last second I turned to Levon, my expression serious and my voice in a monotone.
"Let Peter out of this dungeon, and get Nick out of that cell, fix him up. I'm going to sleep, I need sleep."
And I walked up the stairs, found a couch and welcomed the darkness.


-Levon's POV-
I watched her beautiful behind climb the stairs. It was round and so, so perfect, I just couldn't resist staring. Her words finally clicked. I spun around onward Peter.
"How do you know her?" I demanded.

"We're friends." I needed that to be specified. I grabbed him by the collar and unlocked the other mans cell. Shoving Peter inside and slowly, almost maliciously walking inside to see both of them.

The other man was the one she had called a coward, I never figured out his name, he was just a human on my territory. I don't usually keep humans, but this one was special. He knew about werewolves, and he was an outstanding fighter. I wanted him in my pack.

However, the moment we finally caught him, he went mute. We had tried torture methods and all kinds of threats, but pain didn't seem to phase him. So I started starving him, hence why he is so weak at the moment, he hasn't had food in a week.

As soon as I put Peter in the cell, 'Nick' lunged at him, pinning him to the wall by his throat.

"How do you know Essix?" See, this is why I want him in my pack. He's half starved and he still musters up the energy to threaten and hurt people.

"STOP!" I bellowed. Peter turned his head toward me and nodded, but Nick just shoved him harder toward the wall. I reached out and shoved Nick, and because he was so weak he fell right on his ass.

"Both of you-sit! We have to talk." I watched as Peter sat on the musty floor, but kept his distance from Nick.

"Damn straight we have to talk!" Nick has sass....
I sat on the other side of both of them, and for a while it was silent, super awkward too. That was until, Nick's sass got in the way.

"Why is Essix in pack territory?! Don't you monsters get enough pleasure without bringing innocent girls into the situation?!?" he looked at me in pure disgust.

"Oh yeah," Peter scoffed "'cus Essix is SOO innocent."
And then Nick was attacking Peter, again.

When they finally settled down, Peter looked even worse than he did before, However, there wasn't a scratch on Nick.

"How do each of you know Easix?" I asked.
"I'm her friend, well, one of them. We hung out last summer when she was doing things for the gang." said Peter.

"What kind of things?" I questioned. She was my mate, I had the right to know.

"That's not for me to share." his reply was simple, and I respected that he didn't gossip, but I was still fairly annoyed.

"I'm letting you go back to your precious gang, only because Essix would be mad if I killed you, so go before I change my mind." I spat at him.
He ran out the open cell door and he was gone. I turned to Nick.
"How do you know Essix?" he looked me over, up and down,then he finally spoke.

"I asked you a question first; what is she doing here?"

"I took her from Sinbad." My reply was curt and to the point. I didn't want to give this guy any more information than necessary.

"Why? Aren't you evil enough? Why do you wish to hurt me?!" His reply shocked me. He thought I took her as some sort of leverage.

"I didn't take her to hurt you! The girl's my mate!!" The look of shock only lasted a millisecond before he pounced on me.

"She-" punch "is-" punch "not-" punch "your-" punch "mate!" and then he continued to punch my face. However, I had a very high pain tolerance and due to how weak Nick was, his punches didn't hurt and barely changed my facial expression. Exhausted and realizing his attempts at violence were getting him nowhere, he finally climbed off of me, all his energy drained, and sat back down. Dropping the subject, he spoke again.

"I want to talk to her."

"Join the pack, and that can be arranged. "

"Never" he spat. That's such a cliche line. "I'm a human, you'd probably just eat me if I did."

"We don't eat people!"

"So you eat babies instead?"


After what seemed like hours of arguing, and some punching (mostly thrown at Nicks direction) he finally agreed.

Nick is now apart of my pack.

I wonder how Essix will take it?

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